Core v2.8.1c

Yay, multiworld management! :smile:

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Core v2.3.0d has been released
Thanks very lot ! You will add more command To manage world ?

I added /tppos in the most recent version (2.3.0e) :grin:

/tppos [player] <x> <y> <z>



@Txk @Flashback083

There is definitely more to come in the next few versions so you can disable pvp, monsters, animals for several worlds for example… :wink: For now: if you want to disable the Nether / End you can simply do

"/world remove DIM-1" to disable the nether
"/world remove DIM1" to disable the end

If you want to access to it again, simply delete the DIM-1 / DIM1 folder and restart your server!

BTW: More than 10.000 lines of code have been added to Core in total since the first version! :open_mouth:


i love you so much , good works <3


U mean Download?

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Oh boy :grin: thx

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##Core v2.3.1c has been released:

Added commands:

/whois <player>
/seen <player>

Added permissions:


Added files:


Sorry, they come late :wink:


do you have link for donation ? ^^ you must do it ! ;D

Thats too kind man! :wink: However, I don’t got any link yet and there is nothing planned in the future. Iam doing this as a hobby and love to see people like you using the plugin. Thats enough for me to do it! :yum:


I’m trying to have people walk on a pressure plate that activates a command block with the tppos command, but it doesn’t work. If I use “tppos 5 55 -76” then the output will say the command can’t be run in the console, or if i use “tppos @p 5 55 -76” then it will say player can not be found

Iam pretty sure that happens because plugin commands don’t have @p support by default. Try to use the following command instead of tppos for commandblocks:

minecraft:tp @p 5 55 -76

I always recommend preffering default minecraft commands in combination with commandblocks as they are fully supporting them! :wink:

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This is what appears in my command block output when I use minecraft:tp

Error occurred while executing command: net.tileentity.TileEntityCommandBlock$1 cannot be cast to org.spongepowered.api.util.command.CommandSource

Could you provide a full error log? This might be something with Sponge itself. :yum:

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Here is the full log:

The error is way down towards the bottomish.

Here is what just the error looks like:

Thanks! There is something which has to be implemented in Sponge first. As soon as that happens you will be able to use commandblocks. :wink:

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Thank you friend C:

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Out of curiosity, have you tried updating Sponge?

I try with sponge 637 (last) and the issue is still here :stuck_out_tongue:

[20:36:23] Error occurred while executing command: net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityCommandBlock$1 cannot be cast to org.spongepowered.api.util.command.CommandSource

My command : say test @p

w00t! This will work, thank you!

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Command blocks should be fixed in build 641.