Core v2.8.1c

Thanks for reporting! This has been fixed in the upcoming version :wink:


/tp should also work with /teleport and for me sometimes it’s not working. Could be a lagging issue on my end!


Bump your Sponge version again as @bloodmc resolved the Interact****Event for you.

We’ll be doing damage and death events next. Keep your eyes on DestructEntityEvent.Death.

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/teleport will be an alias for /tp in the upcoming version. :smile:


Thanks for implementing this event!

I can’t wait for damage & death events to be added :wink:

Hey im using spongeessentialscmd and i want to move to core but the problem is that i have alot of people who got sethomes and ii have warps and stuff like that is there a way to transfer this stuff to the core plugin?

Hey man thats nice to hear but unfortunately I really didn’t plan to add migration support atm… :confused: Especially as there currently are a lot of functions which are going to be added first. Hope you understand that :yum:

DestructEntityEvent.Death was added recently to Sponge.

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i understand but another question is there a way to do it by hand maybe i mean move all the sethome from one plugin to another by hand?

Thank you! Works like a charm :wink:

@Shahaf_Stossel As SpongeEssentialCmds homes are stored in a .conf file you could publish the file so players find back to their homes. Unfortunately I currently can’t think of a different way… :confused:

##Core v2.2.0c has been released:

- Some bugfixes
- Added functionallity for /back (/tpdeath)

Reply or send me the old and new files. I’ll see about writing a script.

Mind adding /jump and /top?

##Core v2.2.6b has been released:

Due to the huge changes / preparations Core has made you have to delete your ‘players’ table. Iam sorry for everyone running into circumstances because of this. But it’s better we do it now while everything is in development!

Added CoreAPI! Devs should definitely have a look at it here

Added commands:

/nick [player] <nick|clear>
/realname <player>
/money [player]
/money top
/money pay <player> <amount>
/money add <player> <amount>
/money remove <player> <amount>
/money set <player> <amount>
/fakejoin [name]
/fakeleave [name]

Added permissions:



This will be added in the future. Thanks for suggesting it!

So does your plugin have its own economy system?

Yes and there are a lot of things planned using it. :smile:

In the next update will you be able to add sign shops?

I’ll see what is possible. If the implementation allows it, I’ll add it. :wink:

Okay, keep up the good work!

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##Core v2.3.0d has been released:

Added commands:

/world create <name> <environment> <gamemode>
/world remove <name>
/world list
/tpworld <name>
/gm <gamemode> [player]
/searchitem <item>

Added permissions:

Have fun using multiple worlds! :yum:


What is the syntax to teleport to a coordinate? /tp [player] 0 80 0 doesn’t work, I’m very far from the spawn, and I need to make the spawn, but it will take a long time to fly there. :frowning:

If you’re making multi-world management can you create a setting to disable the end so more memory can be used for the overworld? Thanks!

Also /tp seems to no work at all. When i tp to a player, it teleports me to a random person. I have to do /minecraft:tp for it to work.