Death Payment - A cost to death

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, Death Payment. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.

Death Payment

As request of Death Penalty Plugin (monetary) - #2 by MoseMister

This plugin removes money from a player who has died.



Where is the world name you wish to ignore from, to ignore all worlds don’t set one


Tags can be used within the messages to give some dynamic information

%WORLD% The world the player died in

%PLAYER% The players name

%PLAYER_NAME% The players display name

%AMOUNT_TAKEN% The amount taken from the player

%CURRENCY% The id of the currency used

%CURRENCY_SIGN% the sign of the currency (useful to pair with %AMOUNT_TAKEN%)

A new version has been released for Death Payment, it is available for download here.

Added “Cut_type” of “Percent”
Added permission “deathpayment.take.ignore.”
Added the ability to use placeholders in messages

Is it possible to make it work as an alternative to keepInventory? Like making it drop the inventory if the player hasn’t enough money and losing a % of exp IF you have the money or everything if you don’t
That would make this nice plugin a top notch one!

That is a planned feature, had no time to update this, but hopefully once I do then it will be added

A new version has been released for Death Payment, it is available for download here.

No description given.