[Discontinued] AdminShop [v1.8.2] - Server Shops

I want to have spawn eggs buyable, but their meta are the same? How would I format to have certain types (ie: horse eggs, pig eggs, etc) buyable through the signs? Thanks!

They do have meta.

ie. Creeper Egg has a meta of 50

This is the command we are using: /setitem minecraft:spawn_egg 100 for a horse egg, and all it does it let us buy a ‘Spawn’ egg, which is just a blank, broken egg. Are we doing the command wrong?

Lemme check if it’s something wrong in the code.

EDIT: Checkout v1.3c

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Release v1.3c

Tested on SpongeForge 1082


  • Minor bug fixes for metadata.


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When I punch a AdminShop sign it gives me the item normally.
Left Clicking:

When I start with no item that I am buying, I have to click on the box that it would be at so it will show.
When I start with a item that i am buying, I have to pick up the item then place it back again to show.

Right Clicking:
Screen capture - 398b249f28dcb696834b3553998fbbad - Gyazo (I clicked on the first box then it appered)
Screen capture - 8853dfc16120fba59f27f8e66a1ad3c6 - Gyazo (This is one when I start with 1 piece of dirt)

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Release v1.3d

Tested on SpongeForge 1105


  • Minor bug fixes.


This is all related to issues with Sponge’s Inventory API implementation. All of these will be fixed by the SpongePowered team soon.

Something that pops up if i destroy a normal sign.


That should be fixed in v1.3d

AdminShop is not finding a currency from TotalEconomy, things are bought and sold in “null” units when they should be $. Is this my fault, TotalEconomy’s fault, or something you can fix?

TotalEconomy most likely does not register it’s default currency correctly, I will look into it.

When breaking signs:


I’ll look into the error today.

Release v1.3e

Tested on SpongeForge 1131


  • Minor bug fixes.


First off, I am glad I have found this plugin. I have had some issues however, though I am unsure as to how come they are happening. For instance, when I try to do [AdminShopSell] on Iron Ingot, it gives me this. Now, this happens no matter what I use, be it Iron Ingot or 265. I have also tried Coal, and it only worked when I used minecraft:coal… This format does not fit for longer names on the signs.

Is there something I am missing? I apologize if there is something I have missed.

type some flavour text on the sign and then use /setitem modid:name and click the sign

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AdminShopSell is only for players to sell their items. I think what you really want is [AdminShop]

this is what happens whenever i try to make a “AdminShopSell” sign. same as Rasgnarok. http://imagebin.ca/v/2W4iaCZRSXxi

You’re trying to use AdminShopSell for the wrong thing. AdminShopSell will buy cactus from you, not sell it to you. I think I should rename the signs soon… Many people are getting confused

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