[Discontinued] 📆 CommandScheduler [v2.3]


CommandScheduler is a plugin for Sponge servers that give you the possibility to schedule your commands on a regular schedule. The format used is cron.

For more information about how to use this plugin, click here.

* * * * * * * 
| | | | | | | 
| | | | | | +-- Year              (range: Current year-3000)
| | | | | +---- Day of the Week   (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday)
| | | | +------ Month of the Year (range: 1-12)
| | | +-------- Day of the Month  (range: 1-31)
| | +---------- Hour              (range: 0-23)
| +------------ Minute            (range: 0-59)
+-------------- Second            (range: 0-59)


* * * * * * * econ add 1 djxy (Add 1 dollar to djxy's bank account each second)
0 * * * * * * time 1000 (Set the time to 1000 ticks each minute)
0 */15 * * * * * heal djxy (Heal djxy each 15 minutes)
0 */15 * * * 6,7 * broadcast This is the server. (Broadcast "This is the server." each 15 minutes if it's the weekend)


/commandscheduler reload - Reload the config file.
/cs reload - Reload the config file.


commandscheduler.reload - Can reload the config file.



Just an idea: Many admins will probably kiss your feet if you also support the crontab format


#Version 2.0 is now released
The cron format is now supported.


#Update 2.2

  • Update to Sponge API 4.0.1
  • Refactor some packages
  • Added the MIT license in the files


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thanks for your plugin but you dont set reload commands ? ^^
Thanks :3

Reload commands?

i see command_sheduleur.conf but we must restart server to applicate the command set ?

I could add a command to create a schedule directly in the game if you want.

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yes but why not /commandssheduler reload ?

Okay, I will create a command that will reload the content of the file.

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thaaaaaanks ! <3

#Update 2.3

  • Added the command /commandscheduler reload. Require permission commandscheduler.reload
  • The config file is now config/commandscheduler/commandscheduler.conf


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Can’t express how awesome this plugin is o.o I love how customizable it is!


By the way, is there a way to have like a list of commands be executed on a set interval?
For example: interval 10 minutes
“/broadcast Happy hour will start in 10 minutes”
“/hh start”
“/broadcast example broadcast2”
Every interval of 10 minutes one will be executed in order, how do I do that

No, but you can do it like that.

0 50 * * * * * Happy hour will start in 10 minutes
0 0 * * * * * hh start
0 10 * * * * * broadcast example broadcast2
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that would make it execute the first command every 50th minute, second command every hour and third command every 10th minute right? Hmmmm interesting way to do it, thanks

Yes, it’ll do that.

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Interesting plugin :slight_smile:

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how could I set this to do a server restart every 4 hours

You can’t do that. The plugin only works when the server is up.