I know you do this on your own time so no hurry but did you ever check out Http? From what I found it works in /tell but not in regular chat also if i edit your file to add it to chat it breaks /nicks and ranks but works. I’m not java expert so I could be judging up the .jar. But it doesnt seem to be in regular chat from what i saw.
He is not 100% sure about this; and why he should make issue?
Its not his plugin fault, user got that error and user should make that issue because user can provide more info about this.
I’ve been trying to set ./gamerule keepInventory on for a second world, using the same command but adding the name of the world - without result. There seems to be no way for me to make changes to this, even without the common issue of not staying between restarts.
I can’t also, for some reason, disable pvp, be it in the main world or any of the sub ones, any idea?
is /invsee actually working?
I tried using it on a player and it gives me an error:
> Error occurred while executing command: Method net/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayerMP.openInventory(Lorg/spongepowered/api/item/inventory/Inventory;Lorg/spongepowered/api/event/cause/Cause;)V is abstract
I’m on the latest essentials 7.9b, however blacklisted items are no longer working?
I am on Sponge 1227.
I have both “minecraft:lava” and “minecraft:flowing_lava” enabled in the blacklist, but all players can still place lava.
Before updating to either the newest essentials or sponge, the blacklist worked.
^^^^^^^^^ Forgive me. I had updated to sponges newest recommended release “1227” and it broke a lot of plugins. That was the problem. I am back on “1222” and everything is okay again.
Is there anyway we can get a quick fix of possibly disabling the blacklist messages that spam players when they interact with or fly over certain blacklisted items?
Doing certain things like flying over the block, mining a block thats above the blacklisted block, mining/interacting with things that arent even the black listed block… creates a ton of error messages that just spam everyone.
Also any plans for a safe login when someone signs out flying,
God mode /god,
and most importantly the ability to see someone elses homes and TP to them as an admin of the server.
Some issues with safe login coming your way in video format in a few minutes.
BUT, for a quick and easy explanation:
It seems that safe login takes effect only if you are at an even block level as something close by. If not, then you still simply fall to your death. I’ll post a video in a second.
As far as the blacklist message toggle, nothing new regarding it is showing up in the configuration file.
Removed /god issues due to your updated release ;D