[Discontinued] Polis [v2.7.0]

Another great plugin :smile:. I think the first protection plugin in sponge without counting with plots right? Keep the good work :grinning:

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Can you verify this if fixed in v0.6?

Thanks! :smile:

Ok, the plugin work at 100% :slight_smile:

but when you disband or delete the town, and you recreate a new town with the same name, the ancient claim are again there (just when you create with the same name, not when the faction is disbands or deleted)

Ah. Thanks! I’ll fix that.

Alright, this is fixed in v0.7. It’d be great if you could confirm if it is.

In addition, I added /townunclaim and /townunclaimall can you verify these work?

the plugin works

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Just added in v0.8 Enjoy!

Could there be a command to claim outposts out of the town? For example if you want to claim a spawner in nether. Also, is there a way to make players pay everytime they expand the claim?

I’ll make it so towns have a bank, which players will have to deposit $ into, which are used to claim land.

I suggest that you don’t tie the money to the town, this could get messy when someone deleted a town and there’s still money in the bank.

If you’re referring to “bank” (= like a shop, but for money) only, then just ignore what i said above :smile:

Added this in v0.9, with /polis

Everything is now a subcommand of /polis, however permissions have remained the same. Enjoy!

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2 questions:

  • Is there any plan to create a form of “Admin Claim” for things like spawns?
  • And if so, can a config or command be added to allow the use of certain blocks inside of said Admin Claims?
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I will add this soon!

I have some suggestions for polis too :smile: .
Only Town Mayors would have perm to toggle them.
Explosion - Turn on/off explosions in town.
Fire - Turn on/off firespread in town.
Mobs - Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in town.


When is the next version? :slight_smile:

Coming soon, with admin claims

ok :), i’m impatient :smile:

Can you add the possibility of limit the number of claim or for the next version?

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Not the next version as I’d like to get Admin claims out soon. However the town banking system and all will be added very soon, as a way of limiting claims. :smile:

okay thanks :smile:

Release v1.0:

Tested on SpongeForge 808 with latest Forge.

This release adds admin claims or SafeZones! These are relatively easy to use, and will make grief prevention easy for everybody.


  • /polis adminclaim - Claims chunk you’re standing in as SafeZone.

  • /polis addblock <id> - Makes it so the specified block ID can now be interacted with by normal players.

  • /polis removeblock <id> - Makes it so the specified block ID can no longer be interacted with by normal players.


polis.claim.admin.modify - Gives player permission to modify SafeZones.