This is an inventory-based economy plugin. Currencies are defined in currencies.conf, where they are used in items.conf to assign monetary values to items. These items are used as money, in a full implementation of the Economy API.
This API does not support contextual actions or virtual accounts.
See the generated configuration files for details.
/bal [player] [currency]: Checks the current balance of the player (defaults to the person executing the command) for the specified currency (defaults to the default currency). /pay <player> <amount> [currency]: Pays another player the specified amount of the specified currency (defaults to the default currency). /value [item]: Gets how much money an item is worth.
All economy commands from other plugins will work as well.
Note that in none of these commands does the player specified by the command have to be online. Also note that since accounts are inventories, if a player’s inventory can’t store any more, the transaction will fail.
Yes. This applies to any Sponge plugin (that isn’t written badly), because all I do is ask the configuration for an ItemType, and Sponge handles the actual conversion.
Sorry for the wait; I’ve been taking an extended break from programming due to lack of motivation and other things. I’ll probably come back when 1.12 API is finalized.
How far along are you to completion? I’m wanting to launch my server soon but I’m in need of a item based currency, I am also willing to pay/donate for completion