Then i imported my own plugin as a new gradle project and added it in SpongeForge’s server run configuration to the classpath.
Still everything was working, i could start the server, my plugin was loaded and i could debug it and so on.
Then i wanted to update Sponge, so i rightclickedSpongeForge Project → Team → Pull. Since then, SpongeForge has some (not many) compiling problems:
I already tried the setupDecompWorkspace and eclipse gradle tasks and refreshing. But it didn’t help.
If i remove the projects and import them again from git, it works again. But i don’t want to setup everything over and over again if i am doing an update.
I’ve never tried. I use Git. Its quite easy. You can pull up a 10 minute video on YouTube that’ll show you enough information to get you rolling in Git
I got it working, thx.
I needed to fetch and then update the sub-modules manually, because eclipse can’t do that recursive-thing, but you can right-click them and then fetch/update.
After that another setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies and then refreshing the project and all errors are gone.