ExtraPermissions "out-of-date" [v0.7.2] [API] - Permissions Manager

I make API
(Sorry for my English)

no problem, thanks very much, our server appreciates everything you have done so far to aid us.

this permission is all of a sudden broken, i can’t build anything…
even with the permission node it says “you do not have permission to build”

nevermind I figured it out

for some reason with the plugin essentialcmds the permissions don’t want to register.

no permissions are registering…

I repaired everything and wrote NameAPI

is it uploaded to be downloaded now?


Ok I will test it out for you.

Now another plugin to change nicknames should use NameAPI

so do i need to create the /nick plugin or will the current one use it?

My plugin has a command “/nick < name > [player]”, but as more of these commands have to use “/nameapi:nick < name > [player]”

ok i see, is it color compatible?

Yes, color is compatible

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both mods are installed yet

28.01 10:13:53 [Server] INFO NameAPI : [0.2,)
28.01 10:13:53 [Server] INFO Missing Mods:
28.01 10:13:52 [Server] INFO net.minecraftforge.fml.common.MissingModsException: Mod ExtraPerm (ExtraPermissions) requires [NameAPI@[0.2,)]
28.01 10:13:52 [Server] Server thread/ERROR Encountered an unexpected exception
28.01 10:13:52 [Server] Server thread/ERROR [FML]: The mod ExtraPerm (ExtraPermissions) requires mod versions [NameAPI@[0.2,)] to be available

could you please repair that


I have it, its installed, it isn’t reading it though, the version on the file is set wrong. NameAPI : [0.2,) is what it is looking for, NameAPI : [0.2.0] should be what it looks for

My mistake I wrote 0.1 instead of 0.2. On GitHub is a revised version.