"Foundation" - Common APIs and Plugin Infrastructure Manager

It won’t work like that unless you want to hardcode your modules which I doubt given your first line.

Guys, we’re not planning to make this a clone of [insert plugin that you made here]. This will be awesome.

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You should use more sub-commands like
because its a waste of commands.

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I’ve been chillin’ on the IRC… no one there…

@ButterDev I’m there now!

I see.

@Exstar You’re not replying.

A Few Command Ideas:

/speed [flight, walk] [speed] - change player fly speed
/freeze [player] [time] [reason] - freeze players
/mail [send,clear,read] - Mail interface
/nick [player] [name] - Set a player nickname
/stack - Compile items into stacks

Warp, Home & Spawn Management

Components Can be Disabled and not even loaded into the plugin (As seen on CommandBook)

a command book like debug command:

/debug [clock, info]

I would like to see a timings command like spigot had, unless Sponge implement this already

/timings [on, off, paste, etc]

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possibility to disable commands individually.
if there is a afk command in an other plugin, we can do something like this in the configuration:

DisabledCommands: [afk]

@Niall7459 I think most of these will be implemented!

This is nothing a plugin can/should implement.

Well “/debug clock” comes from CommandBook that was developed by sk89, so how is this not possible?

So what did that command? Debug information about CommandBook or the server? if the latter, then that’s nothing CommandBook should do.

So your saying that Sponge (If they do) should implement /debug [clock, info] instead of a plugin?

yes exactly. Tracking event timings is also much easier implemented by them in the core than by a plugin dev that will have to do all sorts of strange things

We’re on the IRC! Join us on #foundation

Oh Ok, Thanks for explaining it to me.

Please do not override/write basic Minecraft commands, like Essentials did with /tp

@lAce We won’t do that. That would be useless.

Yes let the Minecraft/Sponge Handle things like /give , /tp , /help etc

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