[GAME] That moment when

That moment when you answer a forum post by typing this

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That moment when you spend an hour trying to get foreign keys to work in MySQL only to find out that one column was ascii_bin and the other ascii_general_ci



That moment when you engage in some silly who-has-the-most-posts game…

That moment when @TBotV63 doesn’t use bold text and has a Christmas hat. :smiley:

That moment when @BitByte messes up teh emoji. :smile:

That moment when I fix it and start a christmas dubstep thread.

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That moment when I made a “That moment when” thread.

That moment when you attempt That moment whenception and you fail.

That moment when youtube runs out of decent videos.


That moment when you decide to post on the “that moment when” thread, without using bold or having a reason.

That moment when you realize that when editing a post the forum system does not require you to include “EDIT:” …

That moment when meguy26 edits his post without the socially acceptable “EDIT:”

That moment when you reach the end of a long thread

That moment when you help make a different thread be the first to reach 1000 posts.

That moment when after writing a 2 paragraph long essay to a mod author to ask permission to use his/her mod in your modpack and their like sure.

That moment when after writing a 2 paragraph long essay to a mod author to ask permission to use his/her mod in your modpack and their like No, not enough effort :trollface:

That Moment When Someone Capitalizes Every Word In A Sentence. >.>

That Moment When The Above User Does The Same Thing. >.>

That moment when @BitByte joins in.

That moment when I stop-- @BitByte.exe has stopped working.

That moment when someone restarts @BitByte.exe.