💎 MightyLoot [v2.1][API 5] - TreasureHunt-like plugin

The plugin will be updated to SpongeAPI v5.x.x when it will be officially released (or at least not bleeding anymore). I know it’s quite long and hard to wait, but please bear with it a little more :sweat_smile:

Well that’s a shame about 5.0. Just a heads up for when you do decide to update. Sponge changed the Plugin ID rules.

[13:59:38] [main/ERROR] [Sponge]: Skipping plugin with invalid plugin ID ‘com.arckenver.mightyloot’ from mods\MightyLoot-1.3.jar. Plugin IDs should be lowercase, and only contain characters from a-z, dashes, underscores or dots.

Half the plugins out there are not yet complaint with this. That includes everyone that’s actually doing updates for 5.0
Have a great day and thanks in advance when you do get it working.

I am looking forward to a 5.0 version of this plugin, treasurehunt was one of my favorite plugins to run on our old vanilla servers.

Editing the Language file and reloading, causes no announcements to be made when a chest is spawned/ found.

The current vanilla language used is strange and not in order. For example if my world was called “worldname”:

A new worldnameFood loot has spawned in Worldname! type /ml hunt

And the vanilla language used when a player finds the loot:

WattyMob Loot has been found by Watty

Perhhaps it’s the tags that are mixed up or something. Hopefully this is an easy fix :slight_smile:

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What file are you using, the generated one, the english one or the french one ? Can you paste its content ?

I’m using the vanilla generated English language file:

Here’s the contents: http://pastebin.com/eEwVVGCc



I’ll fix this issue for the next release.

Thanks for reporting !

MightyLoot Release v1.4

Targets SpongeAPI v4.2.0


  • Added placeAlwaysOnGround option in config to specify wether the loot should be forced to spawn on ground
  • Added placeGlowstoneBelowLoot option in config to specify wether a glowstone block should be placed below the loot
  • Added loot guardians feature


I’m not sure you saw but I’m happy to say that in API 5 you’ll be able to place the Chest and set its Inventory :).

I guessed it would be the case but I wasn’t sure, thanks for letting me know !

Everything comes to him who waits, I guess :wink:

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API 5.0 is in release update? :slight_smile:

I officially announce that MightyLoot will be updated for API 5.0.0 within 48h :wink:


MightyLoot Release v2.0

Targets SpongeAPI v5.0.0


  • Updated for SpongeAPI 5.0.0 (minecraft 1.10.2)
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Error with this on sponge forge 1820

Thanks for reporting.

MightyLoot Release v2.1

Targets SpongeAPI v5.0.0


  • Fixed mistake

Hi this plugin has lots of potential, love it. Would it be possible for you to add in the functionality of having multiple loots in the world at the same time. Also with the config option to set the max amount of loots in the world at the same time, if this is added. Thanks

I was waiting for, thank you!

When you run the command /ml cancel world, loot is removed (checked team /ml h, location is no examined), but error appears in the console.



When you click on the coordinates…

I would like to have the configuration in the config. For example: command=… {POS}. To change the output format {POS} x;y;z → x y z

The owner of the server would have figured out how to use it. /tp or /broadcast and etc. Or add a separate command for this.

Team /ml spawn does not remove the previous treasure, if it has already been posted. Multiple execution give a lost treasure.

Loot Guardians. Thank you very much! But during the day the mobs die!
Can be to build a house? And remove it from the treasure chest in 1-5 minutes.

Also skeletons have no bows. Why? :slight_smile:

Also I keep getting loot spawning outside the world border. Add a check for a world before spawning in the loot so they won’t spawn outside the map

mightyloot.command - this will give access to all commands. Have to explicitly prohibit other. No permission to reload.