GriefPrevention Official Thread [1.10/1.11/1.12] TOWN/WECUI Support

Alright cool, thanks for taking the time to check for me. At least now I know its not just me doing something wrong.

it also freezes the player again like it used to with b13… need an update asap.

Hi. The latest build breaks on latest sponge. Any idea which Sponge it’s stable on that is latest?

I’m aware of the issues, I’ll be pushing a big update soon.

thank god! I updated my sponge from your statement on essentialscommands giving it a shot and the first thing to happen is the plugin essential the most of me gets rekt. not only it but my spawns get griefed because not only did it break griefprevention; it also broke some stuff in FoxGuard.

There will be some new features in next build :

  • Claim Templates - ability to export/import claim data to a template file as well as give it a description. Simply stand in a claim to export or import.

    /claimtemplate export
    /claimtemplate import
    /claimtemplate list

  • Claim Item Bans - ability to ban items at the permission, claim, or world config level.
    Note: The current /banitem command has been renamed to /adminbanitem as it bans items globally across all worlds and claims.

/banitem - bans the current held item in claim player is standing in.

  • Plus a bunch of bug fixes so stay tuned. I should have a new build by tomorrow.
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speaking of itembans there was a bug with dropping items in claims made them vanished; hope that is fixed.

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Thank you for the update. Awaiting this build eagerly!!

Yes this was caused by a bug in SpongeForge when cancelling the DropItemEvent which I literally just fixed. I’ll be pushing a bunch of item/spawn fixes to SpongeForge shortly.

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Any idea when this new fix will be released?

Most likely tomorrow

Also, is it normal for /trustlist to not show player names?

Use /claiminfo for now. I’ll look into /trustlist for next update.

Any ETA on the next update release?

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I had to fix a few Sponge bugs that were causing problems with GP protection. All I need are some testers for my new GP build. If you want to test, pm me your skype info.

I want to help test. My skype is Zachincraft.

I would like to PM you, but I can’t figure out how to do it on this forum.

I was wondering what would be causing drops in a claim to be deleted with the msg: NoDropsAllowed

This was a bug in SpongeForge and has been fixed in latest build.

where can we get the latest build?