GriefPrevention Official Thread [1.10/1.11/1.12] TOWN/WECUI Support

Yeah, reading that, bit confusing as to what flag to change to allow warp plates and command blocks to be used.

Explain exactly the actions the player is attempting to make. Right-click on a block? Left-click ? etc.

Warp plates are something you actual stand on. they are placed down like wool carpet and then walked onto to teleport to preset coords.

Does this issue happen in the wilderness claim as well? or only basic claims? Also, are you using ANY other protection plugins? If so remove them and retest.

wilderness claim as well

Just log on to our IRC chat
channel #sponge

Easiest to communicate there

Alright, joined. Named Vince there

is there an eta on 1.10 version ?

I pushed a 1.10.2 branch today. You will have to build it yourself if you want to test.

Sure I will be happy to test it

Hey just a quick question? Since we’ve put it in we’ve been having a lot of crashes, wondering if anyone else has been having the same issue

Uhmm no, what spongeforge and griefprevention version are you using?

The 1.10 branch is unstable with Fire ticks on the server.

Some of our players are being spammed.
" NoBuildPortalPermission {
Notes=“0: Destination land claim owner’s name.”
Text=“You can’t use this portal because you don’t have {0}'s permission to build an exit portal in the destination land claim.”

What I’d like to ask is, what’s the issue? Why is it spamming the message without the player even having a Nether Portal or attempting to enter one.?

Are you using the latest build? This issue should have been fixed. Also make sure you are running latest SpongeForge build.

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Used latest build. Fixed! Thanks blood!

what build version are you using ???

Is there any ETA on the 1.10 version of this ?

^ There’s already one

sorry I don’t know how to build it I was gonna but I can’'t figure it out