GriefPrevention Official Thread [1.10/1.11/1.12] TOWN/WECUI Support

Is there a permission node to allow all functions? With Pex and Grief Prevention (API 4, Latest Plugin Builds) it doesnt allow players to interact with wilderness, ect.

So it seems a few flags are having no effect. Fire spread doesnā€™t stop fire, mobs will still spawn even with flag set and players are still being hurt by hostile mobs with no damage flag set

Running minecraft 1.10.2 with newest sponge forge and newest gp and newest pex in file mode

How to disable tnt explosions everywhere?

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Im guessing there is no way?

It may be broken like fire spreading. You can set flags /cf but some just arenā€™t working. I have been reporting this for like 2 weeks with no reply on a fix or even acknowledgment that its being addressed. My post about broken flags seem to get as ignored as the broken flags themselves.

If there is no fix or wonā€™t be for awhile then Iā€™m open to suggestions on new protection plugins to use. I like this one but if it fails to protect claims and no one wants to address the issue or even acknowledge it exist then I wonā€™t waste my time on it anymore.

Iā€™m aware of the issues in 1.10. Iā€™ve been busy getting Sponge more stable which is a higher priority than GP. If Sponge is buggy, everything suffers including GP. Iā€™ll be working on another big update to address various bugs soon. If you want, create a list of things you would like to see changed/added.


Currently waterflow going through the GriefPrevention block handler is causing an immense amount of lag on my server. I have timings here: Aikar's Timings Viewer

You can see what I am talking about here:

Is there any way I can fix this?

No problems, Sponge should come first for sure. Just didnā€™t want my post to get overlooked as the fire spread is a big issue. I can wait for a fix, currently I prism to rollback any fires that start by lightening or lava, even though it is kind of a pain, itā€™s manageable.

You know there is a gamerule for firespread? just use that and turn it off.

How would I set this rule, didnā€™t know it existed.

/gamerule doFireTick false

Hi there, did you see my previous post regarding the water flow?

command returns

ā€œdoFireTick does not existā€

EDITL NVM, for those curious the command has to include the world name to work

So its ā€œ/gamerule [map name] doFireTick falseā€

Thatā€™s strangeā€¦ bloodā€™s advice was correct for vanillaā€¦ Can you do ā€œ/sponge which gameruleā€ I suspect you have a plugin that has overridden the gamerule command.

Grief Prevention is disabled and not generating a config file I donā€™t know what to do so can someone help me? The Sponge Version is spongeforge-1.8.9-1890-4.2.0-BETA-1625, The GP Version is griefprevention-1.8.9-, the other Mods are BuycraftX, EconomyLite, Essentials Commands, FoxCore, FoxGuard, Kits, PEX, Pixelmon, PixelmonEconomyBridge, ServerListPlus, SimpleChat, StatusProtocol, WorldEdit.

Correct. Project Worlds overrides vanilla gamerule command. Iā€™ve changed this already, in next unstable build

You need the latest SpongeForge build and PEX build linked in topic.

Itā€™s still not working! :frowning:

Is there a way to force a flag across all claims, Player, Admin and Wilderness, all at once?

what flag do I use to make a pvp arena, or is that not possible, I turn /pvp on but it doesnā€™t work (the server itself is not pvp)