GriefPrevention Official Thread [1.10/1.11/1.12] TOWN/WECUI Support

Well if you could I would suggest to remove either gp or ess chat to see witch one does it then post back here about it.

wouldnā€™t sk89q be porting WE/WG over to sponge?

Yes, I believe heā€™s stated that before somewhere. Maybe twitter if not on here somewhere.

Iā€™m not too concerned about it, although Iā€™m fairly certain it was GP. Iā€™ve never know Essentials chat to do that. Removing GP at this point would probably end disastrously for my server XD Even for a moment. Server host did that once upon a time thinking it was causing issues, half the houses on the server probably burnt down.

lol, Well Iā€™ll test it when I have the chance, I am almost certain it was ess chat though.

Oh, Iā€™m very interested in your situation here. Whatā€™s the value you get from stacking both types of land claims on top of one another?

Iā€™m not 100% sure about this, but it sounds to me like BC_Programming might have made some changes that I wouldnā€™t have (the behavior youā€™re describing sounds unfamiliar to me), or your problem may be due to another plugin you have installed. Since I rolled back all his changes, Iā€™d be interested to hear what you think of the chat protection in the latest version of GP. If you do have complaints after having a look at the latest, Iā€™ll work to address them. In the current version of GP, only ip addresses (which arenā€™t on the whitelist) are blocked, and the whole message is blocked. For CAPS, anyone with the spam permission (ops by default) should be able to caps. Itā€™s definitely a problem if server owners are entirely disabling all the goodness of GPā€™s chat protection just because they canā€™t caps, so let me know if thatā€™s still a problem for you. My policy has always been to prevent grief while keeping as much of the original game functionality in place as reasonably possible.

Iā€™d be shocked if he didnā€™t.

What donā€™t you like about them? When you disable the spam protection, do you replace it with another anti spam plugin? If so, which do you prefer? Maybe I can adjust GP to better satisfy your needsā€¦ unless youā€™re just standing on the principle of componentization?

The latest versions are back to the shorter, single-file config format you probably remember. When I say streamlining configs, what I mean is putting the less-frequently-used bits in a separate file where they wonā€™t intimidate server owners who arenā€™t power users or control freaks. Also when I add per world configs back in, Iā€™m going to do it the easy-to-use, entirely optional way rather than BCā€™s ā€œhereā€™s a tangle of folders and files, you figure it outā€ strategy. I also hope to put comments in the config files to make reading the docs on the GP page a requirement for fewer server owners.

This is awesome! :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing, it will definitely help me get the overlap thing done more quickly, once I start on it.


Iā€™ll try it out when I get a chance. Itā€™s nice to know itā€™s being reverted. Might not be able to immediately, as Iā€™ve mentioned, Iā€™m without electricity going on 3 weeks and running on a shoddy generator, but Iā€™m interested to try it ASAP. Thanks for picking it back up!

The GP/WG overlap: I use worldguard just to create a region around spawn that doesnā€™t spawn monsters to keep spawn safe for newer players, but I prefer GP for actual claims/griefprevention/etc, so I used a admin claim to claim the same area.

The chat usage: Iā€™ve never run a server with a whitelist larger than 100 players, and never ran a server not for a specific non-minecraft-related private community, so the chat moderation becomes useless. People can swear at each other all they want, and if you donā€™t like it, /ignore (I think i use essentials for this not yours), people can post links all they want, we are often linking to things on the site or to minecraft-related articles or information or for pictures we take or whatnot. The capsspam, doesnā€™t phase me or any of my players, if you wanna capslock, capslock. Iā€™ve never had an issue where I felt I needed to do anything in chat, other than monitoring private chat which essentials does for me with SocialSpy, and the logs do for me automatically because itā€™s a command (/msg)

The config: I actually really prefer single-file configs. I hate wading through multiple configs or folders of configs.

On that note about /ignore, thatā€™s another thing that became quite bothersome, which presumably has been reverted now, since most servers seemed to have Essentials, it conflicted with /ignore. So one day players all of a sudden couldnā€™t ignore players. So I had to go in and tell them to use /eignore in the mean time as Essentialā€™s config to attempt to force Ess to override commands doesnā€™t work very well. And the message about using /ignore if anyone said ban, kick, ignore, etc was a bit annoying. It seemed like BC was setting it up with a very specific server in mind, without making those things optional.

From a server owner standpoint, the better fix for this would have been to add a line to your craftbukkit.yml to explicitly map /ignore to /eignore and break the tie.

Anyway I donā€™t plan to put /ignore back in - my thinking is anyone mature enough to use it could also just actually ignore the other player without a slash command. In BCā€™s defense, I probably would have added that command myself and also similar advertisements - and then later ended up removing or redesigning it based on feedback.

The administrative /softmute is still on my todo list.

Alright, then my intent is to just make sure the owner of the new claim is also the owner of the WG claim (or has perms to build thereā€¦ whatever the WG model is).

Yeah, I can see where itā€™s less helpful when you run on a whitelisted server. The real value in the chat protection is copy/paste spam, or modded client spam (designed to overflow the chat so that nobody can effectively talk). The rest are just nice-to-haves. I guess I should add config options to disable those specific parts (ip address and chat blocking).

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Never thought of doing that O.o Wasnā€™t aware that would override plugin registering commands. May have to try that at some point. Could also help with one of my plugins incidentally overriding GPā€™s /ct command XD And WorldBorderā€™s /wb from overriding Essentialsā€™s workbench command. All the possibilities!

By the looks, WG makes it really really simple to check, based on this page (WGā€™s API reference and how to do permission checks on a Block or Location). Iā€™m not really the best at making things super simple, but I suspect you may need to iterate over every block in the claim and check for region permissions, which sounds like it could be a bit slow.

Thought at first just checking corners, but thatā€™d allow people to completely surround a claim. Then if you only check a single layer of the claim, it could reside below or above the WG region. And I donā€™t think WG regions have a minimum size, so wouldnā€™t even be able to skip multiple blocks in the iterations.

This worked for me, although it may not be the best solution, Iā€™m no master programmer. Youā€™ll be able to do whatever you want with the applicable regions returned, such as checking for ownership or build permissions or whatever.

If youā€™re interested in the details of how something like this gets done efficiently, the way GP does it is by checking whether any corners are inside the other claim, and then vice-versa for the other claim. So thatā€™s 8 ā€œis inside?ā€ checks per every two claims compared. It sounds like a lot, but itā€™s much better than width x height x depth comparisons because the cost is constant instead of linear over the size of the claim (still linear over the total claim count).

When that approach is abstracted away, you get something like Nentifyā€™s solution - if I want to know whether a GP claim would overlap a WG claim, then I ask WG if thereā€™s room for a WG claim where the GP claim would go. So WG does the work for me.

Hey everybody, looks like the UUID migration in GriefPrevention is shaping up. If youā€™re running a server on an earlier than 8.1 build of GP, itā€™s a good time to upgrade. Since this upgrade involves a major data change (player names to UUIDā€™s), PLEASE back up your data before booting with the latest version of GP.

Note that NOT pgrading to a UUID GriefPrevention will NOT make your server vulnerable to grief. It only means that players who change their names will lose access to their land claims until either they change their names back or they have an administrator transfer claim ownership with /transferclaim. So if you want to wait a little longer for all the migration bugs to work out, thatā€™s probably fine.

Ah, right. I didnā€™t even thinking about checking corners of the other claims XD But since WG claims are 3D (and GP claims to some extent), would it be worth checking the corners including the Y coord, or would you rather only X/Z coords to prevent stacking of claims?

GP checks only x/z for comparison with other GP claims, because theyā€™re not allowed to stack. If I were to ask WG whether a GP claim would overlap, Iā€™d ask WG about a new region with miny = 0 and maxy=max build height, since thatā€™s the biggest the GP claim could eventually get.

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Fair enough. I doubt itā€™s even remotely necessary, but how would you handle claims already inside a WG claim that they donā€™t have modify perms for? I donā€™t think itā€™d matter until they try to resize their claim. Would they be able to resize it or would they need to abandon it and reclaim it?

Iā€™d assume they would have to abandon it, but they wouldnā€™t be able to build in it anyway unless itā€™s a public region or something.

TODO List (Please Discuss!)

This list is incomplete and not in any particular order. If youā€™d like to see something about GP improved, please do reply to share your suggestion! :smile: Also if youā€™re unsure what any of these mean, feel free to ask for clarification.

  • Smart buildtrust requirement for interacting with a claimed block (even from far away) with a non-Vanilla item in hand - to proactively stop potential griefs introduced by mods.

  • Reduce trust level requirement for using crafting blocks that you canā€™t leave items in to access trust.

  • Allow players with /containertrust to collect grown food and plant new crops.

  • Limit on # of times a player gets the ā€œyouā€™re building outside a land claimā€ message. Probably only once for each time he strays outside his land claim, and only if heā€™s near it.

  • Timer to erase automatic visualizations (not stick or shovel).

  • Visualization appearance/update speed.

  • Eliminate visualization flicker.

  • Reinvestigate options for sand cannon grief fix.

  • Make boot time for flat file mode MUCH faster.

  • Donā€™t allow a player to overlap a GP claim with a WG claim unless he has permission to build in the WG claim.

  • Spam Blocker: Fix format of blocked messages for better misdirection.

  • Soft mute for admins, to convert chat trolls into quiet players.

  • Restore nature testing with new tree types and other new block types.

  • Restore nature should also replace trees in tree biomes.

Yeah like Nentify said - I doubt this will be the case anywhere because they wouldnā€™t be able to build in that claim even today, and conversely if the WG region owner canā€™t build in the claim, the claim would have been removed by now by an admin. If it canā€™t be resized to fix the overlap, then abandon and recreate elsewhere.

Sounds good, canā€™t imagine having any issues with it so far XP

Might be able to introduce a tracker that can cache blocks that are launched vs their landing location. Iā€™m not sure if the blocks retain any unique identifiers between those states though.