GriefPrevention Official Thread [1.10/1.11/1.12] TOWN/WECUI Support

Yay! Glad to see GriefPrevention here :smile:

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Add items? Like what? Sorry, I just donā€™t follow. Are you talking about new items added by mods?

In the config, you have to add specific blocks that you want to protect inside a claim.

Huge relief to see you back, @BigScary! GP was becoming quite a problem child on my server to the extent where I tried to re-write a similar thing myself, although due to various circumstances like hard drive loss and lack of electricity at my house, I think Iā€™ve just about given up developing for the time being. GP was quite a bit more usable and stable before the new developers. No offence to them, assuming they just had a different idea of how it should have been setup.

I hope you donā€™t get too exhausted working with the Sponge API for a while!

I also wasnā€™t quite happy with BC_Programmingā€™s changes as well, however I was unable to work on the project during that time. I even thought about pulling his access as he kept adding new features instead of fixing bugs.


Glad to hear Iā€™m not senile. Was starting to wonder if certain issues were specific to my server as it didnā€™t seem to be getting resolved. @.@

Thatā€™s only necessary for modded servers which add entirely new types of blocks. Even then, GP is smart enough to make intelligent guesses about blocks and entities based on whether they have inventory, are animals or not, etc. The config options are a stopgap for types of blocks that manage to slip through the cracks. Iā€™ll be reassessing that whole feature set after sponge gets up and running.

Very interesting to know, thanks! If your system can do everything WE can do, then I guess thatā€™d be fine too. Just donā€™t see why we should re-invent the wheel, especially when WE does it so well and has a lot of extra functions such as flags, adding groups as members, parents, etc.

Either way, Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be great.

About reinvention, itā€™s a moot point now because itā€™s already done, but it does carry some value anyway. I started GP because I thought that other anti grief options were not as easy to use as they could be (for players and for admins), and didnā€™t completely solve all solvable grief problems. On that first point regarding ease of use, one of the big benefits of GP is that itā€™s just one download, and for most servers no editing the config file is needed either. Taking a dependency on WG, which then has a dependency on WE, would mean giving up a lot of that ā€œease of useā€ for admins, because now itā€™s a 3-download process which adds lots of features that may not be needed. Thatā€™s my major reason for not wanting to heavily hook into WG for sponge (although a light hook would be good for avoiding land protection overlaps between the two plugins).

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Valid points too, and at the time, there was little else that had protection up to GPā€™s standards. I look forward to future updates! :slight_smile:

I donā€™t feel GP was trying to do WEā€™s job, personally (assuming ya mean WorldGuard). WorldGuard certainly isnā€™t as user friendly in comparison (most people just seem to be more familiar with WG), and Iā€™m not even sure how to scale it to fit player purposes. It seems like more of an admin tool in my mind. The only associating of WG and GP Iā€™d like to see is to prevent people claiming inside WG claims they donā€™t have permissions to modify (soft-dependency of course), but I suppose thatā€™d hold true to other protection plugins as well. I guess GP just seems more geared towards player use, more so than WG. I even tend to use WG on my server along side GP to protect admin structures, but not something players have access to.

On that note, and slightly going off topic, Iā€™d be interesting if Sponge would implement a canBreak() method or variable into the VoxelEvent, which may be able to come in handy for protection plugins to somewhat detect if another plugin is kicking in to protect the block. Not a well fleshed out idea, though.

I was working on this before @bigscary returned, which functions very similar to GP but uses the WorldGuard 6 API to save me having to create my own extensive protection system. It worked better than I expected during the creation, but itā€™s far from complete. Either way, GPā€™s systems have been very good in comparison as well.

A better example is the ProtectionStones plugin amongst others.

Just realized that the one I was writing has completely disappeared D: It would seem I never committed it to GitHub, and after I lost my last few hard drives, itā€™s gone forevrawr >.< That was coming along quite nicely for a while as well.

Knowing how hard it is for plugins to track mods, would it be easier to make a mod that can help gp protect mod blocks?

What I didnā€™t like about the chat features are as follows:

All of them.

I completely disable the chat features on my servers (and have since their inception), as I use GP to replace lokette/protect claims and thats it. While I understand it is the ā€œultimate grief prevention pluginā€ and supposed to stop ALL kinds of ā€œgriefā€, getting into chat was just starting to go to far. Most chat plugins are small, and relatively simple to use for the same functionality, or you can even break it into modules like other plugins. Iā€™ve been with GP from early the start (you may or may not remember some of our early conversations from way back when, on either my Maruchan or mrcheesete0 account idr what i used on dbo. I also agree with the streamlining of the configs, it used to be much simpler to configure your plugin and I LOVED it. That was when I hosted servers nearly three years ago. Now, while I use your plugin and have it installed, I have been absolutely DREADING the customization of it to my specific needs, due to wading through the configs to reconfigure it all. And in the mean time because I keep putting it off, my users keep asking me why they canā€™t trade with these villagers they ran into while exploring, or why they canā€™t place water for whatever legitimate purpose they had, and I tell them itā€™s because Iā€™ve been too busy to configure GP properly.

I loved GP back in the day, and I will probably always use it, but Iā€™ve been hesitant with the newer features.

Maybe in your streamlined config, divide the plugin into sub-sections where you can completely enable/disable each section of the plugin with a single on/off, then ballooned under that the actual configs for it if you want it on, so you can easily pick and chose which forms of ā€œprotectionā€ you want to use. On a whitelisted server for a private community that is nearly free of requiring moderators, a lot of the plugin becomes bloat, while some of it still being necessary.

Rather than forcing no overlap, maybe make it give a warning of the overlap and ask for comfirmation? I specifically deliberately use WG regions and GP regions concurrently.

I think it should depend on whether the claim creator has permission to modify the WG claim. Most people Iā€™ve seen ask for this feature want it to prevent users from placing claims they canā€™t use in WG regions. But if that can be done, then perhaps a confirmation would be nice, although I canā€™t think of a reason off the top of my head why itā€™s necessary. It would seem that if you had a WG and GP claim overlap, youā€™d want GPā€™s protection, but I think WG can handle most of that as well in one of their claims.

And about chat features, I didnā€™t care for them much either at some point. I did use them for a while, but at some point, just seemed to ignore permissions and started forcing lower case for everyone and blocking links posted by mods, admins, etc, so was eventually forced to disable them entirely. I think Iā€™d use them again if they worked correctly, but itā€™s not a priority for me. Although I suppose blocking links was a bit useless. If it detects a URL, Iā€™d think itā€™d remove it or obfuscate it, but instead just remove dots, which doesnā€™t fool anyone.

I thought that was essentials

Iā€™m not sure if Essentials moderates chat like that. Iā€™m not familiar with the extended functionality of the Ess Chat plugin, but I always figured it was geared towards parsing ā€˜&ā€™ color codes and displaying nicknames and such. I was always under the impression that GriefPreventionā€™s chat features were blocking cap-rage and links. As far as I can recall, disabling those seemed to fix it.