GriefPrevention Official Thread [1.10/1.11/1.12] TOWN/WECUI Support

Did you find a solution that works?: I did this and it didn’t fix it…

This plugin breaks with the latest spongeforge-1.10.2-2092-5.0.0-BETA-1786.jar update

Not for me it doesn’t.

If you say a plugin breaks you need to give logs/crash-report so the author will be able to fix it. Just saying it breaks isn’t going to help anyone.

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Okay I will update again and see what happens

After I setup an AdminClaim on my server, and replaced all my pistons in my piston powered doors, as the claim owner I can step on the pressure plates and activate the pistons, but as my players step on the pressure plates nothing happens. Is there a way to fix this?

On our setup, players are missing the permissions to abandonclaims and use the golden shovel to set/resize claims. I’ve added manually the “griefprevention.claim.create” permission to the member group for now. Is there a simpler way than having to add those manually?

Here’s our permissions files from PEX:

Also, do we really need to duplicate all perms definition with all dimensions? that’s getting very spammy here…

Use /accesstrust public
This will give all players perms to interact with blocks in your claim except inventory.

I don’t understand…It is the admin’s job to assign the correct permissions for players. GP just handles flag defaults. As for duplicate perms, this will be cleaned up soon.

I already have /accesstrust public on. Yet the pistons aren’t retracting. After relogging my admin account the pistons no longer react to him.

Hrmm strange. Are you using latest SF and GP 1.10.2?

Latest SF and GP 1.8.9

Paste your permissions.json

I’m currently using SimplePermissions on my live server which may be the problem all together. I am slowly building my PEX on my test server. (hate PEX syntax but know it’s the best to use)

That is probably the issue then. You need to use PEX for now. LuckPerms can also work but i’m working on fixing defaults for it.

Welp, thanks for your assistance. goes back to the dungeon fearing the horror of PEX configuration

Try LuckPerms, its very user friendly but you will need to setup the defaults yourself until I fix it.

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Is there any fix for the duplication bug in regards to poke loot and poke gifts?

^ I have the same question. I didn’t get any help from the discord.

Could someone assist me in telling me the command that would allow me to block certain commands in an claim or allow certain commands in an area, but deny all other commands but those ones.