GriefPrevention Official Thread [1.10/1.11/1.12] TOWN/WECUI Support

Which part(s) of Grief Prevention would you prefer were in a separate plugin, and why are those parts unnecessary in your case?

Found another potential issue. Not sure if itā€™s fixed in latest versions yet, but here ya go anyways. It seems creepers can be used to kill mobs (villagers at least), even if theyā€™re claimed. Donā€™t know what version I tested this with, but while it seems creeper explosion player damage is disabled on my server currently, they can still kill other mobs. Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s a low-resource way to prevent this effectively, but if youā€™d rather not prevent creeper explosion mob damage entirely in claims, maybe do so if the creeper is targeting a player? Or a player not trusted in the claim? Probably heftier to do than just disabling damage to mobs in claims.

Also, havenā€™t looked in the config for settings that pertain to this, so I probably should take a look at that as well >.>

Going back to the version thing, maybe add a /gpv (gpversion) command to quickly re-print what version of GriefPrevention is installed?

This is by design - part of having a village is working to protect it. While players arenā€™t allowed to directly damage villagers, zombies and other monsters still can (I didnā€™t want to make land claims take away a cool aspect of the game). It sucks that players can, for example, open doors and let zombies/creepers into an area with villagers, but players whoā€™ve claimed villages can solve that by using iron doors with switches and/or fence gates. Or, it can be solved administratively by updating config settings to always lock wooden doors and trap doors.

Hmmā€¦ yeah, maybe if the player targeted by the creeper doesnā€™t have container trust in the land claimā€¦ I will think on that. Seems like a complicated rule to solve a rare problem. :smile: But I may do it anyway, because thatā€™s where GP is right now - running out of ways to be more awesome.

Use the CraftBukkit built-in command. /version griefprevention


Is there a repo we can reference to use GP with maven?

Yeah thereā€™s a repo, you can get the link from the page (see ā€œread moreā€ in the original post above). Of course that code is for Bukkit, not Sponge yet. My repo doesnā€™t include any build stuff (Maven files, etc), just the source.

Iā€™m a huge fan of this plugin. I would like to see a couple things addressed that are major pain points on the server I moderate.

  • People canā€™t get on a horse in someone elseā€™s claim, even if itā€™s their horse (protected with HorseProtect plugin)
  • People can shear mooshrooms in someone elseā€™s claim
  • People can punch sitting cats and dogs in a claim, which makes them stand up, typically making them teleport to the owner of the cat/dog, which is very annoying (protected with PetProtect plugin)
  • It would be nice if the URL for the tutorial video in chat could be changed (maybe it is already, not sure)
  • If you want to be a one-stop-shop grief prevention plugin, Iā€™d really like to see the ability to protect horses, pets, and named mobs (even hostile mobs that have been named with a nametag)
  • Iā€™d also like to see villager protection, where people canā€™t trade with villagers in your claim unless they have specific permission to do so

I think that should fall under the doortrust command or whatever.

Another big pain point I forgot aboutā€“anyone can take items out of item frames inside a claim whether they are added to the claim or not.

This is already fixed. Thereā€™s a config option to disable GPā€™s horse protection so that the other plugin can do it without interference.

You can change this in messages.yml. If your new URL includes a colon, look up YAML syntax to make sure you get the formatting right. Otherwise it reverts back to the default (back up your file before trying).

Horses and pets are already protected when theyā€™re in your land claim. Iā€™ll add an item to the todo list for protecting them outside of land claims (from players).

Iā€™ll look into the rest of your reports - itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve heard all of them, thanks for pointing them out!

EDIT: Actually, I donā€™t want to protect hostile mobs with name tags. I think griefers will name monsters to prevent players from killing them, then lead them to attack other players. Unless you can think of a system which will avoid this problem?

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You have a good point about the named hostile mobs. Thatā€™s not a big deal for me personally, that was more of a nice-to-have comment.

Thank you for details on my other points. I will definitely look into these options.

More updates from investigations on your bug reports! :smile:

Left-clicking dogs to make them get up is a platform bug. Iā€™ve logged it, but canā€™t fix it myself.

I couldnā€™t reproduce the problem with items being stolen from item frames. Please give me more details on how your players are doing it - I tried left-clicking, right-clicking, blowing them up, and shooting projectiles at them. Also please make sure the item frame is actually IN the land claim, and that the player who supposedly stole the item doesnā€™t have permission to make changes.

The mooshroom thing is a non-issue, but it LOOKS like an issue. When you right-click to shear a mooshroom in a land claim without permission, youā€™ll get an error message and the cow will seem to disappear, as if you were successful. However youā€™ll see itā€™s not replaced with a common cow, and no mushrooms drop. If you log out your client and log back into the server, youā€™ll see that actually the original mooshroom is still there, and not sheared. This is a client bug.

Thanks again for the reports! :smile:

[quote=ā€œBigScary, post:149, topic:1123ā€]
Actually, I donā€™t want to protect hostile mobs with name tags. I think griefers will name monsters to prevent players from killing them, then lead them to attack other players. Unless you can think of a system which will avoid this problem?
[/quote] That sounds like something a monsters-as-pets plugin should handle.

True. Only way around it I could think of is to interrupt target events if the mob is named, and potentially only if itā€™s in a claim, but that sounds like a bit of unnecessary processing. Otherwise maybe just interrupt damage events from them entirely, although Iā€™m not sure what sort of consequences that would have.

Thank you very much for the reports. I will work with our server owner on making sure we have the latest version and do some extensive testing. I moderate a large server with lots of kids, and grief is a serious concern. Your plugin is so very valuable to the enjoyment of our players and to my sanity! :smile:

Hey @BigScary So Iā€™m starting this server with a friend of mine (No this is not my first time nor his at a server, he is just better at getting a crap ton of people on) anyways I have noticed that no matter what I canā€™t claim, I have the most recent version of grief prevention from, and are getting this spammed in console.

Are you running a 1.7 server? It seems the GP version youā€™re using is for 1.8, but canā€™t find a reference to the 1.8 blocks (or the first one it comes across when checking stuff).

Edit: Actually scratch that, I can see in the logs you pasted that NMS classes are using a 1.7 build. That would likely explain your issue. You may like to downgrade to a 1.7 GP build so itā€™s not trying to reference blocks not in the game yet.

Yep, thatā€™s correct - sorry TDL, but I needed to reference those door types to ensure they are lockable.

Would it not be worth checking if a material exists before checking if itā€™s equal? Took a snippet from your github as an example if it isnā€™t clear. Iā€™m under the impression that Material.getMaterial(ā€œMatNameā€) returns null if it doesnā€™t exists. (More readable in pastebine)

Well I wasnā€™t ready to switch to Spigot 1.8 yet, but I like grief prevention to much to ignore it. So I geusss Iā€™ll have to use that since you give me no choice.

How would you get a claim by ID? That feature doesnā€™t seem to be available anymore API-wise.