šŸ  Edifice - Create and share structures [API 5.0.0]

No need! Just released the updated version (had been sitting on master for a while, just made a release now)

awesome :slight_smile: timing couldnt be better Iā€™m up and testing right now. Iā€™ll report back with any errors if i find any :slight_smile:

Didnā€™t start :frowning:

log - http://pastebin.com/YfD0rjmR

Thatā€™s incredibly oddā€¦ I just tested it on a clean installation of SpongeVanilla, and it starts just fine

Sorry Iā€™m using sponge forge. newest build 1772

I can reproduce that on SpongeForge, but Iā€™m astonished that it doesnā€™t work on Forge but does on Vanillaā€¦

Yeah I run pixelmon and biomes o plenty so I canā€™t use vanilla. Not sure what the difference is that would cause it. But your website is seriously lacking in schematics for people to use so I was going to upload a greatest hits from server soon as you get it working lol

I appreciate that - I am planning on getting other peopleā€™s buildings up there, but I would advise waiting since I am doing a major refactor to use Spongeā€™s Schematic API, which will have some breaking changes.

fair enough, in the meantime guess iā€™ll ask how to save a schematic since i cant use the plugin to try it right now lol it just says left click corners. is that all corners or like world edit style the opposite corners? if all corners then how do you have a round object?

What if I just simply want to build a structure/blueprint and sell it at a shop on my server? Do I HAVE to upload to the website first? How would I go about just creating a blueprint locally and using it on my server?

Right now you have to upload it, but it would definitely be a possibility to have private structures in the future.

@Zirconium Before completing the refactoring will be an intermediate release with the fix http://pastebin.com/YfD0rjmR ?

Yes, Iā€™m trying to figure this out now.

#Edifice v1.0.8



  • Relocate Apache dependencies so Forge doesnā€™t die

@anon34495435 @Deathwhitch

When building a house, not established dark_oak_door.
Is it possible to get rid of the throwing of loot? Attackers can pick it up.

Doors are a bit of an issue right now, but Iā€™ll definitely have it resolved after the project refactor.

[quote=ā€œanon34495435, post:76,
Is it possible to get rid of the throwing of loot? Attackers can pick it up.

Iā€™ve made an issue for that here

Use a command

awesome work. Iā€™m at work myself and canā€™t test it till i get home but my players are super excited for this plugin :slight_smile:

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Error http://pastebin.com/QaUJ6njC

Private structures would be amazing. I definitly have to check this out. Hopefully it follows GriefPreventionā€™s claiming logic so my server can use this!