This is just a brief tutorial on how you can easily debug your sponge plugin without having to build Sponge from source or anything.
Step 1:
Code your plugin…
Step 2:
Create an artifact…
I changed the output directory to be in the mods folder of my server. Don’t forget to include your compile output and maybe external dependencies.
Step 3:
Create a run configuration…
I ticked “Singe instance only” so i don’t accidently run multiple servers at the same time.
At the bottom at “Before launch”, i added the “Build artifact” step.
I changed the jar to be the usual jar you use to start the server.
I also changed the working directory to be my server directory.
Maybe you want to add “nogui” as a program argument.
Step 4:
In case you have any suggestions or i made a mistake, just tell me, i’ll edit it as soon as possible.
I also never found any other description like “Setup SpongeVanilla” and stuff, why so complicated…
I also don’t know if this is the correct subforum to post in. Maybe i also missed another tutorial about that, then im sorry for doubling it.