📦 HuskyCrates [v2.0.0-PRE8] [API 5-7] - Give everyone keys, use Custom Particles, Keys, and more!

Hi @codeHusky & @RandomByte!

I run a pixelmon server and absolutely LOVE both of your plugins. I am in the same boat as my friend above, I had setup a great number of holograms using @RandomByte’s plugin and when I setup and configured my HuskyCrates (which I love) all of my painstakingly setup holograms vanished.

Is there something we can do to resolve this? I can add holograms again but they vanish as soon as I restart my server. This is a total bummer, if there is anything I can do to help in producing a resolution please let me know.

Thanks again for your awesome work!

-Rare Candy

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This has to be fixed in this plugin.

Oh, damn it. Sorry randombyte, I totally didn’t realize what I was doing. I’ll fix this asap

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Please, everyone keep in mind that this plugin is super duper work in progress at the moment. Please avoid using this in a production environment and report bugs as soon as they come up :slight_smile: thanks. I’m aware of issues pertaining to particle effects and holograms but :slight_smile:

you dont even have to restart the server to lose them, upon placing a new huskycrate you will lose the holograms again. I have alot of holograms myself both placed with @RandomByte plugin and some even vanilla command blocks. All of which get wiped. Even if RandomByte has bad api for holograms i don’t believe it should literally be breaking vanilla components :confused: hope to see a fix soon to resume using huskycrates because it is a swell plugin.

Just relax. I know how my own plugin works, I’ll fix it in a bit.

can you add a number at the end of the key command to give them x amount of those keys?

/crate [param1] [param2] [name] [quantity]

Thanks for taking the time to look into this conflict @codeHusky. I’ll continue to show my support for your efforts as long as you keep putting out the good work!

I am looking forward to the ~0.9 release when we can expect to see multiple commands per crate!

Respond to my DM at your convenience regarding the other plugins I mentioned a need for.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

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Can you add enchanted items to the chests? and if so how?

Until I sort out a few things before that’s even considered, using a /give command instead of just giving the item is a workaround.

Sorry I am very new to this, could you tell me what string I add for a iron sword with smite 3 and knockback 2

I, uh, wish you luck.


Hi @codeHusky! I hope all goes well for you :slight_smile:

Wondering if you are making any progress on the holograms conflict? excited to get crates back in action!

Best regards

-Rare Candy

It’s just about fixed, just fixing some weird bugs I’ve ran into when fixing this one.

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Sorry for the lack of development. :school:

Still no resolution on the Holograms conflict @codeHusky? I like the way the plugin works now just crippled with it wiping all my holo’s :frowning:

Got some nasty stomach bug now. I’ve been busy up until now and now that I’m not busy im sick :stuck_out_tongue:

@codeHusky sorry to hear dude – definitely get better, give HuskyCrates some loving once you are good to go :slight_smile:

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try not to rush him, it is better to have a working plugin than one with some cool features that don’t work.

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