LandProtect is a protection plugin where claims are protected in chunks. players can give players access to their claims either individually or to all their claims depending on their needs. Claims deny players from breaking, placing, and interacting with all blocks by default. There is also adminclaims which are intended for server buildings/areas such as spawn for example. Adminclaims have the option separate from player claims in which blocks can be added as interactable for all players.
For more info see the LandProtect wiki(still being worked on atm).
If you’re confused on a subject of this plugin which is not on the wiki or it’s not detailed enough then please notify me and i’ll try to fix it asap.
LandProtect’s current build is v3.4.0
- Claims which prevent anyone but trusted players and friends access to break/place or interact with blocks
- Claim limit to limit the amount of claims players can have, set this with a permissions plugin and setting the option claimlimit. For example, to set a limit of 10 claims set the option claimlimit to a value of 10. To have unlimited claims set the value to 0
- Friends will allow players access to all of each other’s claims once added as a friend
- Trust system will allow giving access to individual claims
- Adminclaims which right now is only different from normal claims that you can add interactable blocks though more will be added eventually
- Disable claiming with a config option only in worlds that you choose
- Claim borders to see where you claim
- Ability to buy claims with either experience or economy if enabled.
- Protection against certain modded sources unless you own them, tested against Pixelmon external moves and buildcraft quarries
/landprotect, /lp - base command for all subcommands, gives information about the plugin with no arguments used
/lp help - sends the user a book gui for help on using the commands
/lp claim - claims the current chunk if owned by the player
/lp unclaim - unclaims the current chunk if owned by the player
/lp trust <player> - trusts the player to the current chunk if owned
/lp adminclaim - adds the current chunk as an adminclaim
/lp removeadminclaim removes the current chunk as an adminclaim
/lp addfriend <player> - sends the player a friend request
/lp acceptrequest - accepts the current friend request if any
/lp addinteractable [<block-id>] - adds the block id as interactable in protected areas, with no argument right click a block to add it
/lp removeinteractable [<block-id>] - removes the block id as interactable in protected areas, with no argument right click a block to remove it
/lp listinteractables - lists all interactable block ids
/lp removeclaim - forcefully removes the current claim the player is standing in
/lp untrust <player> - removes a player as trusted from your claim
/lp reload - reloads config
/lp setinspecttool, sit <item-id> - sets the inspector tool for players to toggle claims on/off
/lp setboundaryblock, sbb <block-id> - sets the block to which players see claim boundaries as
/lp datareload - reloads the database
/lp buyclaims <amount> - purchases the amount of claims using either exp or economy if enabled
/lp listclaims - lists all the claims you have in each world
/lp giveclaimboots - gives a pair of claimboots for auto adminclaiming
/lp addunallowedentity - adds an entity so they are not allowed to be ridden if enabled in config
/lp removeunallowedentity - removes an entity so they are allowed to be ridden again
/lp help -
/lp claim - landprotect.claim.command
/lp unclaim - landprotect.unclaim.command
/lp trust -
/lp adminclaim - landprotect.adminclaim.command
/lp removeadminclaim - landprotect.removeadminclaim.command
/lp addfriend - landprotect.addfriend.command
/lp acceptrequest - landprotect.acceptrequest.command
/lp addinteractable - landprotect.addinteractable.command
/lp removeclaim - landprotect.removeclaim.command
/lp untrust - landprotect.untrust.command
/lp listinteractables - landprotect.listinteractables.command
/lp removeinteractabled - landprotect.removeinteractable.command
/lp reload - landprotect.reloadconfig.command
/lp setinspecttool - landprotect.settool.command
/lp setboundaryblock - landprotect.setboundaryblock.command
/lp datareload - landprotect.datareload.command
/lp buyclaims - landprotect.buyclaims.command
/lp listclaims - landprotect.listclaims.command
/lp giveclaimboots - landprotect.giveclaimboots.command
/lp addunallowedentity - landprotect.addunallowedentity.command
/lp removeunallowedentity - landprotect.removeunallowedentity.command
bypass claims - landprotect.claim.bypass
bypass protected land - landprotect.adminclaim.bypass
- API for developers to easily hook into
- Command to transfer claims between players
- Add on to autoclaiming
Note: I am no longer developing this plugin, for more information see this post