LandProtect [No longer in development]

Update - Release v1.2.0-BETA

  • Add Updatifier support
  • rework setting claims to make changing claiming configs easier

Update - Release v2.0.0-BETA

  • Rework claiming config to support multi-world claiming, this will break current claims

Update - Release v2.1.0-BETA

  • Add config option to prevent players from claiming in certain worlds,
  • Remove default values added to interactable blocks list.

Another town plugin without db support? cmon ā€¦ ^^

Using a db to save claims would actually be a good idea, i havenā€™t worked with dbs yet so iā€™ll have to do some research on that first.

Maybe have a look at what the Grief Prevention plugin does. GP also works on modded servers!

Note that all plugins should work with modded block/items without adding explicit support, due to the way SpongeForge works.

Iā€™m fairly certain i havenā€™t done anything to prevent support with mods.
@NeumimTo Iā€™ve started looking at databases and so far iā€™m thinking of going with MongoDB but i still have alot to learn before i choose to actually implement it so it could be a while. Iā€™ve also decided that for those who want to keep the current setup Iā€™ll just make it a config option to choose between saving claims to config or to use the database.

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I more meant look at GP to see how they make it so you can see what is already claimed. The other part was added as an afterthought and based on @Aaron1011 comment is already supported.

GP does things differently from LandProtect and besides i already sort of have a plan for how i want to do it, Iā€™m thinking that Iā€™ll spawn barrier particles at the borders of the chunk. There are some things iā€™m having trouble with though which is either that iā€™m blind and canā€™t find it in the javadocs or itā€™s something not implemented yet. Iā€™ll make a post in the development section soon to see if people can help me but for the meantime the messages on entering and leaving claims should work fine.

Update - Release v2.2.0-BETA

  • Bug fixes
  • Add chat color to messages
  • Add /listinteractables and /removeinteractable commands

I havenā€™t quite upgraded to sponge yet (Run heavily modded forge, server but will def keep this plugin in mind when I do. By the time I do upgrade, all these base problems and features should be implemented and resolved! :slight_smile:

Mongodbā€¦when do people finally learn how to choose appropriate dbms for their projectsā€¦

What would you suggest then?

Why not mongo:

  • locking issues
  • randomly loses data
  • cant scale

All people who are claiming that mongo is fast and great database ā€¦ wellā€¦ i guess they have never worked with mongodb once it contains large set of data

Why is mongo so popular? With right marketing, itā€™s not hard to popularize an inferior solution.

You should focus on Mysql and/or postgre.thats what most (mc) servers should use.

Ok iā€™ll start researching Mysql then

Update - Release v2.2.1-BETA

  • bug fixes with breaking and placing blocks in claims not owned by the player or having the bypass perm

Update - Release v2.3.0-BETA

  • Bug fixes with removeclaim command
  • Change help command to send the player a BookView instead of PaginationList. Demonstration here.

Edit: the new help command is using a new feature in the sponge api so more than likely youā€™re going to have to update spongeforge/spongevanilla for it to work

Hi, is possible to add there the possibility to pay for the claim land after how much block you will claim (as a volume, not only as a area)?
That I can use it to people that they buy your land where they can then build?


I donā€™t think Iā€™m entirely understanding what youā€™re asking. Are you wanting to just be able to have a setting where players have to pay in order to claim land?