LandProtect [No longer in development]

Seems to be the case for many things right now. Still getting used to Sponge so I’m not keen on picking that out of the error yet.

So I have a bit of disappointing news, I really don’t think I can maintain this project anymore, I’ve been very busy as of late working on many other things. This is my first real sponge plugin which I thank all of you for supporting but now that I’ve learned much more about sponge and it has advanced much further since I first started working on this, I don’t really like how it’s done. For example the claiming in chunks is not a very good system.
If I were to continue I’d want to do a complete rewrite but like I said earlier I just don’t have the time to do so. I apologize to @Kippers who I promised to add support for their amazing plugin MCClans but unfortunately was not able to fulfill.

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Shame, but much appreciated anyhow.

Can anyone please help? I am adding blocks to interactables, and it shows up correct and everything but people still can’t use them in claimed land. Why would this happen?

I feel really slow when you mean option do you mean in the config file, and if so can you tell me exactly where please, and if in-game command can you give the command exactly… sorry for the bother

I see some servers such as evolvecraft have HUGE spawns all claimed with admin claim and I find it hard to believe that they put on their claim boots and walked the entire spawn. Is there a way to setup an admin claim from one point to another? or would i have to walk it out?

@dunkinee_mc You’d have to walk it out.
If any member of the sponge staff team is reading this could you please lock this thread as I am no longer supporting this plugin for the time being.