A simple lottery plugin where it will draw every X amount of time.
A player is able to purchase an X amount of tickets where some ranks may be able to purchase more or less tickets.
A ticket has a configurable cost.
At the draw, the winner will recieve an X percentage of the tickets and the rest goes to the server as a money sink.
Edit: 🤑 Lottery 🤑
Split this topic
April 26, 2016, 6:25pm
Bump still could use something like this since players would like other ways to earn money and I would like some money sinks
I am going to work on this!
Edit: What name should it be. I am not native English so this is the hardest part of making a plugin.
Any good names?
Lottery should be fine, I checked other plugins and they have same name
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Added to OP, will test when I have time
Problem when I do /lottery info it gives me a error message ho can I do to fix it
As always, please provide the version of this plugin you are using and the version of Sponge(and forge if you are using SpongeForge). Then also provide a link to pastebin with the full server log.