This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, MMCReboot . View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.
This is basically a server restart plugin with a few different features
Auto restart every # hours
Auto restart at certain times of the day
Player vote to restart using /reboot vote (optional in the config, Default on)
Scoreboard to show vote counts and restart timer for 5 minutes or less.
Configurable chat warning timer
Optional reason for a restart
Config reload using /sponge plugins reload
- start a vote to restart the server
- restart the server immediately
- set a timer to restart
- check the time until a restart
- cancel any restart/vote in progress
- bypass the initial checks for /reboot vote
- in-game toggle for enabling and disabling of the voting system
/Reboot vote
/Reboot vote yes | no
/Reboot vote on | off
/Reboot now
/Reboot start h|m|s time [reason-optional]
/Reboot cancel
/Reboot time
/Reboot help
This plugin uses bStats to anonymously collect usage data.
You can disable this by going to config/bstats/config.conf.
All collected stats can be found here:
If you like what I do, Please consider giving a donation, every little helps!
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A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
Config option to run a command instead of restarting
A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
New feature:
Fully configurable TPS checker, Will start a timer if the TPS goes below a set minimum
The syntax currently /reboot start m 5 is somewhat lengthy, our admins are used to the bukkit restarter which was easy.
/sr 5m
Would you consider a syntax simplification?
Also could you add sounds?
You get an initial sound when its going to reboot, then a new little plink at each countdown.
Here is an example from our bash restart script-
playsound minecraft:block.note.pling master @a 0 0 0 5000 2
playsound minecraft:block.note.pling music @a 0 0 0 5000
I have thought of changing the syntax and would not be against doing so.
Adding sounds is something i never even would have thought of, Iv experienced a lot of users on my own server completely missing the fact that there is a restart and didn’t even think that sound notifications might help out.
A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
Notifications for broadcasts! - Sound and title
A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
TPS Restart getting stuck in loop
TPS Restart being enabled prevented a normal restart from happening
A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
Fix vote percentage configuration
A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
BREAKING CONFIG CHANGE(S)!! - Recommended config reset
timer.broadcast config now uses seconds instead of minutes. - BREAKING CHANGE
Config for autorestart timer now split into Fixed and Realtime
Delay for message that is displayed upon login if a vote is in progress has been lowered from 10 seconds to 3
/reboot start now uses choices for h/m/s
Config option to change sound notification
Config option for when the first sound notification should play (Use one of the values from your timer.broadcast config list)
Realtime restart timer - Restart at specific times of the day (Server hosted location’s timezone)
Localization using customizable Messages.conf file
Check online time before isRestarting when initiating a /reboot vote
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A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
Localisation is now located in the localisation folder - Allows for easy default translation addition
Localisation now uses pre-set default languages
Custom bstats piechart for restart type usage
Add missing messages to localisation
A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
Fix scoreboard timer for restart showing up when not required.
A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
Server restarting upon startup
A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
Fix bug with /reboot time not showing the scheduled countdown in all instances.
A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
Change restartCommand to Multi format.
A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
Fix bug with TPS restart scheduler cancelling manual / normal scheduled restarts
A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
For API6 and below please use 2.1.1
Automatic restarts throwing error at shutdown on API7.
A new version has been released for MMCReboot , it is available for download here .
Fix restart commands throwing error when attempting to send shutdown task.
Hello leelawd93 ^^. i got a ask,
would this work for 1.12.2 also?
Yes, 2.1.3 is built on API 7 for 1.12.2
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