MusicBox [0.4] [Api 4 + Api 5]

MusicBox allows anyone you want to play NoteBlockStudio songs on jukeboxs,
It works by allowing players to obtain music discs that can be used on normal jukeboxs but when inserted will play the note block studio song.
It also adds a portable radio that only plays to the player.

Place both files in the mods folder



A collection of song files to get you started (Extract them to /config/musicbox/NoteBlockSongs)!iQl3QLIA!-40mkKhGV-8dw_YEmFwH3gtMhuZs8drG9t6y1ywbmeY

New in 0.4
Update to API 5
Update NoteBlockAPI version to support PLING sound
Make radio songs stop playing when the radio is clicked
Remove NMS dependencies that are now supported in SpongeAPI

New in 0.3,
Chest support, Place a chest next to a jukebox, shift right click the jukebox to put it into chest mode and then right click it to start playing all the songs in the chest

Commands / Permissions

  • disclist / musicbox.songlist
  • givesong / musicbox.songlist
  • playsong /
  • giveradio /
  • reloadsongs / musicbox.admin

Source Repos


Nice job! :smile:

By the way:

haxy it’s jukeboxes :wink:


When will the SpongeForge Beta release of MusicBox come? :grinning:

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The version featured on the SoS8 server was rebuilt in a hurry for the event.
I’m sure a new public build will be available soon, with even less bugs.
Thanks for the great plugin @clienthax


After fighting with travis i have it automatically making releases for each push / and it will yell at me if something in sponge changes that breaks it

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Haxy i swear.

Ur travis file is complete bullshit. xD

… Why didn’t I think of that?

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Updated for api 4

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0.3 :smiley:
Added inv support for chests

Can you add a way to turn off your radio without re-logging :joy:

@clienthax are you the individual working on PixelmonGyms port from bukkit?

Somewhat, I’m waiting on sponge to implement custom invs, also I plan to make it stop playing when you click it again

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I do not understand how your plugin works sorry for my bad english I 'm french

Quick update,
Currently updating this to api 5 :wink:

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The inventory API is now implemented for chests, so you won’t need to use NMS for that.


Delayed slightly because player.getInventory().offer is completly broken in how it works -.-

New version!

Update to API 5
Update NoteBlockAPI version to support PLING sound
Make radio songs stop playing when the radio is clicked
Remove NMS dependencies that are now supported in SpongeAPI


@clienthax Make the placement of the chest at the bottom. Is this possible? Thanks for the plugin!

Does it not work with chests at the bottom right now?

No chests detected…

try this version

Works! Thank you!