Need to know if the following is possible or impossible, and what would be needed

I’ve not dug into working with PEX yet and I come from a Groupmanager bukkit background where the infrastructure of my multiworld server was quite simple and clear to setup, and need to know if some things are accomplishable in PEX without having tens of thousands of super-nested entries for each thing. As well, I then wish to know if the permissions API and pex and some cleverness and a custom chat manager (as a chat manager plugin, likely I will code myself, and do not depend on an existing plugin)

I wish to have players have main ranks of lets say A, B, C, D, E… and for their rank lables to be encased in one color of brackets as [A], [B], [C] in World1 , and in a different color of brackets in World2. There will be 10 ranks.

In World3, I want there to be only 3 ranks - 2 administrative, and 1 for ALL players - so every rank A,B,C, D … except for admin and mod will have the exact same permission set in World3, and display the same [W3rank] display in chat, except for the admins and mods will have W3rank-inheritance plus a few specific permissions specific to that world.

World1 will be ‘liberally dosed’ with permissions, while World2 will have only a subset of them, and World3 will have essentially almost NO permissions from the other worlds, and just a couple of its own new ones.

In Groupmanager, separate world and user file lists allowed me to have all users group A, B, C… in world1, and also have the same rank in world2, but using a different group permission file that redefined the permissions for the same rank names, and sharing the user file between those two worlds, and then for World3 a new user list and new group permission, such that the default rank on world3 would be adopted by everyone, and the admins in that world were manually set to a special rank as well in it.

Most of what I have seen on the multiworld support has been ages ago, for Pex, and looked like a horrible nest of conditions and options for each permission, and I can’t picture how to visualize a multiworld system in terms of collections of permissions, inheritances, and entire groupings - it all seems to be ‘and you can enable this node in that world and disable it in this world and that world’

Secondly, using options, and other prefix/suffix features, and any secondary-rank type per-user information, would it be possible to modify the display for donors to be [A*] or [C*] , still maintaining their core A, B, C rank but have a decorative difference that applies to that rank. Because I’m going to go strict-full adhereance to the EULA and not actually have donor-ranks, but have a way to let them stand out visually that allows their rank display to follow the changing-and-climbing structure that I am going to be using.

IF ^ is possible, then I assume as well, having A/B/C ranks for mods will also be possible, by having an unused group of mod-permissions that the player itself will also inherit, while still being group C or D etc, and can then be displayed as [C][MOD]

To pull something like this off - preservering a rank lable, but also having a flourish display, or a mod-powerset and a flourished display as well – what would be required of the PEX setup, and what pieces of info would i need to grab from the permissions api to make a chat manager have this information to display?

These are custom solutions, not a generic plugin to make for others to use, so there need not be thinking about how to make a solution that wont ‘interfere’ with other plugin systems, or be confusing to others, or permissions options that people might get all up-in-arms about having to add - just me and my server only as the end use, so my chat manager can be perfectly tailored to work in this way needed, and need not worry about deferrring to other chat managers and Essentials-du-jour plugins.

This would be an example sufficient to show the types of relationships between ranks, worlds, and display; yes, “tpa” is not a permission node - use your imagination as if it was one.

do you mean you want to use contexts?

obviously you can switch user MoeBoy76 for group KillerBees or whatever you need

it would seem I guess…
I can’t quite seem how to envision it though on the scale of this size other than “do this for every single permission node over and over and over and over”

Group E inherits D inherits C inherits B inherits A in world1 and world2 both, and in world3 …?? A permission like fly only applies in world1 for world1 ranks F,G,H … to inherit; while permissions sell.basic and sell.ores exist only in world2 for the ranks to inherit; permissions for hats apply in both world1 and world2 on each group, but not in world3;

In groupmanager, users would really be group Hunter in world3; in pex, is this possible, or does one only go about changing the prefix/suffix description for each group in context of world3 – or do contexts apply to something other than permissions even?

And then how does this link to chat display - does [blah] display a Group information variable, in which case it woudl display A, B , C in all worlds, or would it really be group Hunter in world3? Or would I need to disregard group info, and have the pex data represent prefix/suffix information of [x] and [hunter] to display?

And what about donors - if I want to simply tag donors (or mods) such that the user inherits another group which contains the donor permissions to nickname self, use some colored chat feature, and have a secondary lable in their chat [A][] or [A] both work, or mods to have modpowers in addition to the applicable rank they have in a world [E][MOD] is a dual-lable system possible?

Contexts (ie worlds for you) can be applied to anything as far as i can tell, so yes you should be able to have different prefixes and suffixes as well as permissions, though i’m not sure if you can change inheritance of groups, i may test that out on the weekend

As for nicknames and chat display, those are not something generaly handled by PEX so you would need to test and then request it for those plugins

I dont suppose you tried to challange yourself and see about inheritance of groups etc.

I am really still stuck at trying to envision how to lay this all out because its so hard to come by tangible examples of the permissions for such ‘atypical’ configurations