Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

Hey can’t find the node for /helpop in docs (of course i might just be missing it),
may I know what it is so i can give it to players?

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Version 0.15 is now available for Minecraft 1.8.9 and 1.10.2, introducing NucleusMixins for 1.10.2

This version supports Sponge API 4.1 and 5 (1.8.9 and 1.10.2). This will likely be the last major update for 1.8.9, as Sponge moves to support 1.10.2 with API 5.x and 1.11 with API 6.

IF YOU ARE RUNNING MC 1.10.2 you MUST be running SpongeForge for API 5.0, 5.1. Current builds of API 6 might work.

This release has the follwing new features:

  • Added ability to disable Social Spy on non-players
  • Added /top to move players to the surface
  • Added /skull
  • On 1.8.9, this redirects to the /minecraft:give variant
  • Added last known IP address when using /seen
  • Added /kit give for giving a third party a kit.
  • By default, this uses up the player’s kit if it has a limit. Added -i flag to ignore this behaviour.
  • Moved /freezeplayer into its own module. Disable this if you do not use /freezeplayer for a performance boost.
  • Added /nucleus info to dump out server information, including who has registered what command on Sponge 5.0+
  • Added config option to disable /fly on login for those who do not have the permission
  • Added social spy & god status to /seen
  • Added more descriptive failiure message on startup if Nucleus fails to load.
  • Added way to prevent certain mobs from spawning in selected worlds via config
  • Added ability to use the {{player}} token in powertool commands.

In addition, for Minecraft 1.10.2, Nucleus has a new optional companion plugin, NucleusMixins, which attempts to enhance the world generation code and workaround the issue with /invsee not working unless you are within 8 blocks of the player in question by using Sponge’s Mixin system to interact with “NMS”, or the core Minecraft code. This is installed like a normal mod, and will generate a mixins.conf configuration file, where the world generation and /invsee tweaks can be disabled.

Note that the mixins may not work on heavily modded servers.

Download Nucleus and NucleusMixins from GitHub Releases: Release Version 0.15.0 (for 1.8.9 and 1.10.2) · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub
Command documentation is already up to date:

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@IBG_Nova It’s more of a Sponge issue, but if you update to the latest version of Nucleus and add the NucleusMixins plugin too, that should workaround the issue for now.

Okie Thanks for the update. :slight_smile:

Is it possible to change the location of the suffix?
I can’t say I typically see a “message suffix” but more a “player suffix” instead. I’d like to relocate this to be with the player name, but it appears setting this:

default-chatstyle="{{prefix}}{{suffix}}{{displayname}}&f: {{message}}"

Doesn’t change anything to cause the suffix to move in the chat.

The setting you need to alter is templates.default.prefix, default-chatstyle is for setting whether a player’s chat is bold etc. Don’t add {{message}} to the prefix, that’s automatic - so I think you’ll need:

prefix="{{prefix}}{{suffix}}{{displayname}}&f: "

Reminds me, I need to update the chat docs, I’ll do that tomorrow.

Can you explain more a bout the world generation enhancement with the mixins?

Thank you! I will test this out right now. :smiley:

Haha! I just came down here to ask how to set up chat and look at that! It’s right here. By updating chat docs, you mean updating the website, yes?

P.S. A necessary addition: THIS PLUGIN IS AWESOME. I am currently using essentials for a 1.7.10 server, and this has basically the exact same permissions! Makes it easy to set up and manage.

P.P.S. ‘down here’ meaning the bottom of the comments list :stuck_out_tongue:

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@hugeblank Yeah, I mean the Nucleus website. Also, thanks for your kind words, it means a lot and helps me to keep going. I hope that our work makes it easier to manage the essentials, allowing server owners to concentrate to the uniqueness they bring. There is more to come too!

@Gershon The enhancement does the following on top of Sponge’s pre-gen routines:

  • Check that a chunk hasn’t been generated before loading and generating it, if it’s already generated, don’t even load it.
  • Save all the chunks at regular intervals
  • Request force unloading of chunks after saves to release memory.

It’s still a work in progress, but it works in mostly vanilla environments. I’ve had a report of the watchdog killing servers that are heavily modded, so it’s not perfect, but should be better than Sponge’s current offering. I plan to refine this, and then offer it to Sponge directly so that every plugin that does pre-generation can benefit.

That’s pretty cool, how come Sponge doesen’t save chunks at regular intervals? Doesen’t it seem to be a basic feature even in vanilla minecraft?

It doesn’t do so explicitly, but it’s possible the normal tick loop does so. However, with the Sponge pre-gen, there seems to be an issue where chunks either don’t unload (and thus, save) fast enough or don’t unload at all, because a lot of users have had issues with the memory usage killing their servers, part of why I tried to improve it.

Hey @dualspiral,

I have never ran into this issue before, but it seems to be a problem for me now so I wanted to mention it. Currently it appears that Nucleus when a player is banned bans the variant of their name that was typed in. Is it possible to set this to ban a player’s UUID rather than their name? I have had a few players bypass this currently by changing their name.


I can’t diagnose this without the Sponge & Forge versions…

Also, are you running behind Bungee or Waterfall? I wonder if there is some offline mode shenanigans going on - check that too.

Yes I am running on bungee. SpongeForge 1.10.2-2123-6.0.0-BETA-1878 and Forge - 1.10.2- Thanks!

I am having some issues with my worlds. The first is that I can’t seem to get a players gamemode to change when they switch between worlds and the second issue is that they share inventories in all the worlds. Is there anyway I can fix this?

@dualspiral please answer

Use projectInventories plugin

Just a heads up.

Might want to wait on that until next release. Pretty large update coming soon and it’s probably going to confuse a lot of current users not too mention break stuff. Many core mechanics have changed.