šŸ”‘ PermissionsEx v2.0 [API 5]

There is /pex ranking [ladder_name], which should at least display the ladder.
Caveat: It hasnā€™t always worked for me :confused:

Do I happen to need a chat related plugin in order to have colored text?

Currently plugins connected to the issue I have installed are essentialscmds and PEX.

I am aware setting said command /pex group {groupname} option suffix ā€œcolorā€, however that command only sets the character between the username and message a specific color.

{rank} {name} : {msg}
ā€¦ ^

It worked fine by me, I only have PEX for those colored tags.

This might seem like a nonsensical question but, how would I completely hand over all permssion nodes, including the ones used to manage the PEX plugin? I am having trouble finding the actual permission nodes for the plugin.


Have you tried if /pex user <someuser> def true works? It should grant "permissions-default": 1 to in the permission.json file.

Would that go for the default rank? I am not meaning to enable that for it, but only for one specific rank - only I donā€™t know how to enable that.

You can grant a group all permissions, yes. However thatā€™s not recommendedā€¦


It would be nice to get the documentation / nodes for PEX since the updateā€¦


ive been having problems with the permissions not working and commands not working

Then youā€™re doing something wrong. Also ā€œit doesnā€™t workā€ isnā€™t a good post to get some helpā€¦ Please be a bit more specific :wink:

well i am pretty sure Iā€™m not doing something wrong because this has happened twice and both times the plugin was working earlier and i didnā€™t add anything. Itā€™s almost like the plugin disables itself and it takes away most of the commands my console can preform. not sure what to send that would be helpful to you. tell me what you need to figure out my problem please.

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The server log is pretty much always a good place to start. Also the output of /sponge version would be useful.

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thanks i will try and get that

Whats wrong with my config? I ran it through multiple json parsersā€¦

Only thing immediately obvious is that some of your users are identified by name rather than UUID. Beyond that, Iā€™d need to know what your issue is.

Doing /pex reload is not successful. Also restarting the server made everyone lose perms and prefixes.


All I tried doing was adding more permissions.

Have you tried using /sponge save -g before restarting?

You also granted mini-admin and owner permission-default: 1,. So assigning any other perms isnā€™t necessary anymore.

You know, weā€™d actually be able to tell you something if you pasted the full error /pex reload gives you (logged to the console most likely)


I just pulled a file from an old backup. I tried removing a user via config. I did /pex reload, then this happened

05.04 20:16:50 [Server] Server thread/INFO [io.github.hsyyid.essentialcmds]: [OvP] executed command pex reload
05.04 20:16:53 [Server] Server thread/INFO OvP āžŸ Test

Above is showing that it has a successful reload but everyone lost prefixes and perms. This is how chat usually is

*[ZeatsGaming] [Supporter]camiam8 āžŸ I need a dusk stone >->

Restarted the server and this is my start log:

Even editing prefixes or permissions in-game dont work either.
Doing /pex reload breaks the plugin.
Lets say I add this player to the highest player rank. When I do this the whole permission file disappeared and its only left with his player section. http://paste.ubuntu.com/15640099/

Iā€™m just going to downgrade soon unless more information is needed from me.

Is it possible to have a blank prefix for a group? I only want the users in my Guest and Admin group to have a prefix before their names. Currently when I promote someone from Guest to Player they keep their Guest prefix, and if I demote a Admin to player they keep their Admin prefix. Here is what my json file looks like. http://pastebin.com/htx6944s

Edit - kind of figured this out by just adding the command for bold as the prefix.