🔑 PermissionsEx v2.0 [API 5]

Please never again post the error like that, use http://pastebin.com/ next time, and link it to your reply.
EDIT: You are also in an outdated version of spongeforge, build 1.8.9-1890-4.2.0-BETA-1490. Update to the latest recommended.

This seems like a very strange bug. I’ll try to run some tests on mine, I have not been able to test the ‘default’ feature yet on 1.10.2. Does console give you an error on firstjoin?

That is expected. Default groups don’t work like the normal groups – they’re just always at the top of the inheritance hierarchy, but not listed in a player’s parents since they’re manually added when calculating permissions inheritance. You can take a look at the default groups by running the command /pex default user info for player-specific default groups, or /pex default default info for global default groups.

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Hey, thank you bunches for your reply. It really helped! I am worried however, that my Pex is not creating necessary config files, should there be a groups.yml and a users.yml? I would like to be able to add and edit groups from within a text editor, as that seems like it would be faster than just simply using the commands from the console or minecraft itself. Thanks!

No, permissions data is stored by default in a H2 database, which you can edit with ingame commands (which, as a bonus, support tab completion for permissions)

Not sure how exactly, I’m really unfamiliar with Sponge but PEX crashes the server every time. I tried both versions from the Jenkins page and removed other plugins to see if it was perhaps clashing (doubt it would though) but problem still persisted.

Any idea as to what may be causing the problem?

Nope! You could always try posting the full error.

Ideal. Ignore the errors thrown about Pixelmon Side Mods, that’s expected.

Hope this helps.

Well as has been covered in like half of the recent posts which you could’ve read, you’re using the 1.9+ version of PEX on 1.8.9. You need to use build 131 for that.

Ahh… Knew it would be something stupid like that… I’ll give 131 a try, cheers :smiley:

Apologies, but I am having an issue with the rank ladder.
I currently have 5 ranks, but the Owner rank will not go to the top.
Instead, it sits after the default rank.
I have tried removing and readding the rank, much like I did the others but it still sits after default.

Hello, I am working with Cellamir on the server we are currently having the default user group issue with. Quick question. With all of the above said, is it possible to
get players on first join to automatically enter a group of your choice,
much how pex 1 allowed us to set a default group for all new users to

Once a group has been added as a parent of the default user subject, all users will receive permissions from that group and will act like they’re part of it. The group just won’t show up in the users’ group lists.

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I had a setup lying about that was on 1448 sf. Now updated to 1524, and later to 1547 with its corresponding PEX, it is giving me this on startup,

And upon login and disconnect, this happens.

Now it does not seem to cause any fatal issues, but I have not been able to discern the cause after all my tweaking.

You’ve got a syntax error in your permissions.json

That’s interesting. I have not changed my json in… month and half. It was working fine before the update. Would this be for both issues?

yeah, the second issue is from PEX not loading properly – at some point Sponge/FML would kill the server when a plugin had an error loading.

AH YES. It was a bracket missing its partner on the last lines :’’)
much thanks for the speedy help.

I am using PermissionsEX Right now. I need help with the syntax of removing permissions from a group.

I added this permission by doing: /pex group default permissions kits.use true

Now I need to remove it. How do I do that.

In order to remove the permission you would do “/pex user PLAYERNAME permission kits.use none” That would remove the perms from a user. To remove it from a group its “/pex group GROUPNAME permission kit.use none” Hope that helps!