🔑 PermissionsEx v2.0 [API 5]

prefixes are supported as always – as options

They aren’t appearing for me thats all.

Where is the option to have them appear like before?

That’s always been done by a chat plugin – I’ve got one called featherchat that is very close to release.

ah ok. Thanks for the information

yeah i tried but still no luck.

My pex was loading till i tried to upload my pex.yml and did all that of the renaming file in the config and all that… now it wont load the mod nor take the commands and get this error in console.

INFO java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
26.06 19:04:01 [Server] Server thread/ERROR [Sponge]: [Plugin Class: ninja.leaping.permissionsex.sponge.PermissionsExPlugin][Handler: onPreInit]
26.06 19:04:01 [Server] Server thread/INFO [permissionsex]: Pre-init of PermissionsEx v2.0-SNAPSHOT

Can you explain what you did to get it working? The pixelmon commands are already set as Pixelmon.Command.PokeHeal for example. But I am still unable to inherit it unless the permission node is applied directly to the user.

Also, are you by any chance having issues with basic/default groups being able to /pex reload?

My test server gives me all permissions in my admin group (default true) or set perms in my user group (eg pixelmon.commands.pokeheal true), are you sure you have them setup right?

Ya I’m not sure what’s going on with your perms, but I’m not having any problems on my end setting them for groups.

Ive officially got everything up and running, my only concern is how everyone can use /pex reload?

Using /pex reload is supposed to require the permissionsex.reload permission. Is that not happening?

Correct, I have not added any permissionsex nodes and when I began setting this up, noticed that everyone had the command off the start. They do not have any special perms outside of the default rank. That’s including: pex user def <true/false>. Nothing special has been added to them or their group besides basic sponge commands.

ok then.

  1. can they use other PEX commands
  2. gist of your permissions.json

Pretty much got the hang of it now. Been power-testing for the past 5 hours. :stuck_out_tongue:

Still, it resets set homes from the SpawnCommands Forge mod for some reason.

I have no idea why it is so hard to set up this plugin, it was way easier with spigot/bukkit.
I can’t even create a OP group with all the permissions: “*”

Mine looks like this:

I can’t even do /gamemode 1

How can I fix that?
And is there a command like /pex group Member create instead of /pex group Member perm essentials.tp true
I am forced to put a permission if I want to create a group.

And last thing, the permissions.json file looks messy with all these symbols { [ , ] }

Not to forget, what is schema-version and what can it do?

You’ll need to set minecraft.command.gamemode to true.
More vanilla permissions nodes are available on the Commands Page of the SpongeDocs

Also, I’m pretty sure that * is unsupported now.

EDIT: You may be able to achieve something by setting permissions-default true for a group. @zml?

Well yes, you have to set some data… there’s no point in an empty group.

The new command is /pex group OP def true

Sucks to be you I guess. You aren’t supposed to edit the file by hand, and if it were in YAML it would be worse.

It’s used internally to determine what version format the permissions.json is in, been there for years now. Editing it will break stuff.


Apparently Pixelmon does not consider the OP group to be “OP” as PokeSpawners cannot be used.

Being in a permission group doesn’t make you a forge/vanilla OP, you have to actually be in the ops file for Pixelmon to recognise you as OP, being a server owner/administrator you should already be opped anyway