I’m creating a network with the Pixelmon mod, but when I try to join the Pixelmon server using /server pixelmon, nothing happens. It’s as if the server freezes, and when I check the console, it only shows “Connected,” and shortly after, it indicates that I’ve been disconnected, all within less than 1 second.
What could be the issue, and how can I fix it? I’m using Velocity.
! I am using Pixelmon version 8.3.8 and SpongeForge version 7.4.0. !
This is a issue with your proxy.
I know a lot of people who have had issue with 1.12.2 forge and velocity. I have heard people have success with bungee and waterfall.
Eitherway, sponge only handles IP forwarding which isnt related to the issue your having. Hope this helps
I’ve attempted connection using BungeeCord and Waterfall, and currently, I’m giving Velocity a try. However, I’m encountering the following issues:
- Unable to establish a connection to the Pixelmon server.
Or encountering this error:
- Disconnected while connecting to Pixelmon: This server requires mods that necessitate FML/Forge installation on the client. Please contact your server admin for further details.
Despite using a Forge client, the connection isn’t successful. I’ve experimented with Technic, TLauncher, Minecraft original, and CurseForge as well.
The second issue is a good sign. Based on the message im guessing you hadnt enabled forge/mod support on waterfall
Currently, I’m using Velocity itself. Can you explain or at least provide some steps that I can try to fix this issue? Everything seems to be perfect, but I just can’t connect.
Please keep in mind i havent done a proxy setup in years. I just know velocity has had a lot of forum and discord posts with the response being to use waterfall.
But in anycase, the two settings that need to be changed on velocity (in theory) is the following
Forwarding mode: Legacy
Ping-passthrough: mods (maybe able to use all
Does this work for my Minecraft version 1.12.2?
Hey, do you have any means of communication? I wanted to know if you can create plugins for PIXELMON and how much you would charge.
I do make sponge plugins, but for 1.16.5+
Hello MOSE, I understand. So, I wanted to let you know that we tried to apply the things you mentioned. Do you know anything else that could be causing the error? The issue still persists, and I’m not sure what it could be. Could I arrange for you to try configuring the proxy?
The current error is: unable to connect to server pixelmon
com.velocitypowered.proxy.util.except.QuietRuntimeException: The connection to the remote server was unexpectedly closed.
Im afraid im out of ideas. Only hope is to contact the velocity team (they have a discord) where you can hope you get the help
Who is trying to connect is a friend, now when it is me trying to connect, no matter which CLIENT I use, I always get this error:
disconnected while connecting to pixelmon: This server has mods that require FML/Forge to be installed on the client. Contact your server admin for more details.
I understand worse that I’ve been trying to resolve this error for 4 days and I don’t know what to do, I don’t even know how to configure the proxy correctly, I don’t have anyone who can help me, I don’t even know if I should put it back in WATERFALL, I don’t know how to configure it and I can’t understand many things…
As mentioned before. It seems more people have had better luck with waterfall for 1.12.2 forge.
If you do choose to go back to waterfall, be sure to change the following settings
Could you help me with the configuration for waterfall or change, I don’t know, I already tried using waterfall and what happened was as if the server froze, it wouldn’t just appear in the console chat, it would
Connect and then Disconnect
Mind sharing a copy of your config?,
I don’t think it’s viable here. Do you have discord? If so send me a message. blazer#5030 or yBlazer
The forums supports markdown (same as discord).
I do have it but only talk in open server chats.
Ill see if i can grab a copy from the waterfall GitHub
Do you want to join my discord server for 1 moment?