Premium Plugins?

After seeing the work being done for server owners by these awesome developers making these useful plugins, this though went passed my mind. Would it be cool to have premium plugins? By premium I mean plugins that are bought to support the devs who work very hard on their plugins and that are one of a kind. I think this would be very epic due to the magic the devs have been making. And who knows? Some of it can go to the Sponge Project itself?

Isn’t that what donations are for? I guess I don’t get it. Where’s the benefit?

If you wish to donate some plugin authors have that option. Sponge also has a Patreon page if you wish to support the project.

Please see this thread:

Donations, sure! But most of us don’t like the idea of preventing the user from downloading without paying for real money, especially if it is illegal.
Edit: Oh yes, I realized some people don’t like closed-source plugins in this community. Then how about commercial?


Long story short, I personally disagree with ever having Sponge hosting a paid plugin marketplace due to all of the assured drama that will take place surrounding paid plugins. The biggest issue with paid plugins is the toxicity the community ends up generating, and the drama that will surely crop up on the forums and outside the forums.


Please, no. I’m a very active member of the SpigotMC community where premium plugins are allowed and the experience shows that it just doesn’t work as intended. The intention was to do something against the ungratitudeness of Java illiterates, to motivate the developers, to thank them and to make plugins available that would be private if nobody paid. What actually happened was awful. There are by far less free and open source resources. Less and less developers seem to develop as a gift for the community, to get back feedback, bug reports and contributions.

By the way, “premium” means nothing else but “of outstandingly good quality” and “exclusive”. Stop abusing this word as an euphemism for the grave of free open source software.


I hope Sponge will never Support this shit. This break the Community.
I hope Sponge and all Plugins will always free and used Git. MD5 and Spigot goes a wrong way.

I feel like paid plugins did allot of damage to the spigot community. As someone who’s released nothing but open source work, I honestly felt cheated by developers making paid closed source plugins and making a load of quick cash.

That said some developers did offer a really premium support service with their plugin, and that I think is worth paying for, it takes time and effort.

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Good thing sponge devs are smart and they will never give into premium plugins!
I mean it is good idea to have a job as codder but think about it,there are a ton of server that actually pay for a custom created plugin that is made just for there server so i would say go for that then go for PREMIUM plugins its rly stupid and it made me so mad to see that on spigot :smiley:
Thats why i love sponge and bcs it was created for modded side of minecraft and the best of all the devs help with plugins i dont think spigot ones do that since it runs on bukkit api or now called spigot api :smiley:

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