Project Cryogen - Looking for Artists, Builders and Developers

Well, I can offer my RPG plugin for testing, usage and support, though, I don’t know what platform you’re running on currently, though, I presume you’ll be running Sponge when it is closer to release, and likewise, my plugin will be running on Sponge when Sponge is more readily available.

Currently, it’s being worked on for Bukkit API (Compatibility modules for both CraftBukkit and Spigot), though support for those are up in the air after Sponge is in a more stable situation.

Link to my plugin’s thread: KraftRPG

Most of it is modular enough that it can be configured and modularized to mimic the feature set found in McMMO, MagicSpells. It also can be modularized to quite literally do whatever you want it to (if it’s coded of course).