Project Portals

Perfect working on getting both plugins running now :wink: thanks guys


Hi, great work on getting some portals that actually look like portals working! I also had the command name conflict with EssentialCmds but could solve it using the method described above, so Iā€™m happy :slightly_smiling:

Suggestion: would it be possible to add (optional) facing coordinates to the destinations? Right now, it seems that I will look in exactly the same direction as prior to entering the portal.

Question: is it possible to restrict access to specific portals/doors/warps etc using permissions?

Thank you very much for this great plugin!

When youā€™re done can you post what you didā€¦ it will make it easier for others (me) to have an example if we are thinking about using this as well.

Change config/sponge/global from

commands {}


  aliases {

Next release Iā€™ve added the option to set player direction on varies portals using key words like north, south, northeast southwest etc, and homes and warps will face the direction the player is standing when creating, within a 45 degree margin.

Right now warps are the only portal type that have specific permissions, but that may change in the future. Iā€™d have to work out how to do it without making a mess. It wouldnā€™t be easy coming up with nodes for the buttons and such because they are identified based on there location, not a specific name. I could very easily add it to portals though.

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Wrote a little thing on it :slight_smile:

Hey, yaā€™all. This is my very first post on the forum. Iā€™m using SpongeForge with PJW and PJP.

When I try to place a button portal with coordinates, the command fails - i.e. it only responds with the syntax format, as if the command was not recognized.

Hereā€™s how Iā€™m typing it:
/button DesertWorld 16 73 -104

The response:
/button <world> [x] [y] [z] [direction]

EDIT: Thanks in advance for the great plugins and any help you can offer!

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It appears I broke something. Fixing now

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Problem resolved in 0.8.36

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Indeed it is. Now thatā€™s what I call excellent support! :smiley:

Thanks, TrenTech!

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Worlds donā€™t seem to respect gamemode with Portals, but do with pjp:warp

I think i noticed the changing gamemode too, but didnā€™t have time to investigate which plugin is causing it. Iā€™m running into this issue with PJW and BLWarps (not running PJP over here currently). So this might relate to PJW and not PJP.

No I removed pjw all together and gamemodes stopped working all together. Setting gamemode through PJW is the only way I can get it to woek with warps, but it doesnt work with portals. You end up stuck in the previous gamemode.

What about buttons and such?

I havenā€™t tested those but I can

Buttons and Pressure plates (tested wooden, iron donā€™t seem to work), is where itā€™s at. The rest I testedā€¦ Portals, Doors, Levers didnā€™t change the gamemode only Buttons, Signs with [Warp] and Pressure plates were consistent. Let me know if I missed testing something or if thereā€™s something else you need me to test.

I placed sponge in debug mode and looked for a debug option in PJP but couldnā€™t find one, so I canā€™t offer you any logs that would matter.

Update both pjp and pjw, and the problem should go away. I have a feeling it will return in a future Sponge build but should be fine for now.

Okay I updated both and now the PJP Portals are not working at all and refuse to be created with the below errorā€¦

The Good news is Levers and Doors seem to be working great.

Fixed in latest build

Hi there,
the plugin looks really promising but,
is it possible to add multiserver support, support for proxies such as BungeeCord?