Thanks @The_Doctors_Life!!! We would really like you to help out as part of the server team as well, if you are sure you want to reply and send me your username!
Cool then, if you like you can add me to the whitelist too my minecraft name is (who would expect ) DarkIce .
I have experience in Minecraft for about 5 years and programming so i could be useful
Ok, I am out today, going to watch Jurassic World in Cinema. So I have your user name, and I will add you once I get back. If you want, have you got Curse Voice, we can go on the server later on and check it out. @DarkIce, just installing fans now actually!
Doctors, that’s my (new) mc name. (Used to be The_Doctors_Life… hmmmmm)
Thats is what makes it so cool, the woek to actually get it working.
So you would like to help as well? And your username Doctors right?
Have you got Curse Voice, we can do some work on the server some time if you would like to, just add me on Curse or something!
I’d very much like to come online and have a look, even if I don’t have any experience with Java
My username is Lemodile
Sure thing have you got Curse/Skype. Preferably Curse as I have a server team group on there!
Not atm, but I’ll see what I can do
Okay, when you get it, call yourself by your Minecraft Username and add me as danielfrogs. I am off to the cinema in about 30 minutes, so when I get back do you want to hop on?
Yes please
Great, we are always looking for new people to help out. But please go and download Curse Voice as that’s the easiest method of communication between the team.
My curse name is DarkIceXD because someone already stole DarkIce.
You can’t “steal” a username lol.
Oh yes you can. Just register to a service before someone else can.
Right. But did I “steal” it just because I registered a name before you (not even know you exist maybe) and we happen to want the same one?
Depends. If i invented a username that wasn’t known before, then you can steal it.
If its just a usual name, then you were just faster than me.
Steve would be a “usual name”
alfnalalaldvlswie or Dinnerbone probably isn’t
It would only be “stealing” if I knew there was someone else who had that name before me.
Haha, I know that feeling!
I have set up the PI fans and everything seems to be working perfectly. By the way Jurassic World was GREAT! Loved It!!! Anyway, here is a picture of my final cases with PIs working!