Project Worlds - World Manager

please I need help! (read above)

Where can I get a list of the world properties I can change? I tried the wiki but it doesen’t load

Tab key is your friend

Not possible without custom world modifier

Trentech I saw somewhere that you were implimenting world pregen here, the closest subcommand, regen, is not tab completing, so I have no idea how to use it,

can you please provide an example of basic world pre-generation usage for an area in a world you’re not in if it is currently implimented

You should check out his plugin Project Borders instead which has support for world pre-generation. I believe it is documented in game and he has some comments on the thread on how to do it probably.

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Problem: Whenever I try to load a world that’s in the file system, it says the world doesn’t exist.

When trying to remove a world:

@trentech, i’ve tabbed myself silly and can’t figure how to change a worlds difficulty.

what’s the secret?

I think it’s simply /world difficulty (difficulty) placing either easy, normal, hard, or peaceful there instead of (difficulty).

That’s a global setting, i think. i want to change one world on a multi-world server.

Hmm I assumed it would just default to the world you’re in. Looking at the code for the command /world difficulty (world name) (difficulty) should work. If it doesn’t I’m not sure what else would work, sorry.

okay, it worked this time. dunno.
/world difficulty worldname minecraft:hard is how it tabbed out. thanks.

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Yes that’s the command you want

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hello, I need help everytime I create a world and try to tp to it says it doesnt exists

/world difficulty setting seems not save after the server restart
when i set /world difficulty world minecraft:hard , then server shut down and start
the world difficulty setting back to default setting ( difficulty)
i need different difficulty for different survival world

@Ziggler , confirmed same here. on server restart difficulty goes back to default setting.

i did find this… Difficulty mode changes without prompting · Issue #568 · SpongePowered/SpongeForge · GitHub

@Luxus_Sky make sure the world is loaded with /world load worldname

Link is brocken

hey, I added this plugging hoping it could load my other worlds into my server.

I have my over world and then gameworld and staffworld. They are in folders in my world folder. they use to work until project portals crashed and now the server doesn’t read them. is there a way to make the server read them again?