Project Worlds - World Manager

bukkit imports should be a bit better now

Also if nobody noticed last build fixed gamemodes. You can now use gamemode id’s

Thanks for the update!

Um… is that version number correct? The release post is titled “ProjectWorlds-v0.7.55”, but the jar file is named “projectworlds-3.1.0-v0.8.55.jar”. Just wondering.

Oops. good catch. Fixed!


With the update of Sponge to 1.9, I’ve kept your plugin in mind greatly and am putting together a large list of changes to help give you better feedback on World management. Instead of dealing with random boolean blah methods, you’ll get real result types so you better know what is going on.

Basically I’ve largely re-wrote Sponge’s multi-world and hope you’ll appreciate a much more robust solution coming very soon.


Awesome. Looking forward to checking it out

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Is what the plugin is still maintained? If so, how to resolve the conflict between command essentialcmds /world and that of this plugin ?

Yes it’s still maintained. Review this thread


Thanks, very useful resource ! But should I use world=PJW, world=pjw or ?

And how to define gamerule for all worlds ? I saw we can define it from a defined world but, if I add a new world and I forgot to add the gamerule for it, it cool be a disaster ><

For gamerules and the plugin’s id questions, I found the answer.

I’ve also see than when I put a map folder in my server directory and run import and load command it copies the map repertory in one of the main map.

Which one is really used ? My Minecraft server is on a online server who checks the main folder to found map folders to display them on an online dynamic map, but with this plugin it only found the main (with end and nether) map.

Sponge has a built in world migrator that copies any worlds in the root directory, and places them into the main world directory. This is not a PJW feature but part of Sponge itself.

Sponge uses Minecrafts default world directory structure which nests all secondary worlds inside the main world directory. The migrator was created to migrate bukkit worlds to this directory format. The migrator copies the world’s instead of moving them, allowing for a backup in case of unforseen failures.

PJW allows importing of these worlds after they have been migrated, because bukkit worlds are not recognized by Sponge automatically due to certain world settings that need to be set in order for Sponge to understand what type of world it is loading, ie world generators, dimension types, etc.


That’s good to know!

I have found some bugs on my server with projectworlds and projectinventories.
For information :

  • I used Spongeforge-1.8.9-1763-4.1.0-beta-1212, projectworlds-4.1.0-0.10.43 and projectinventories-4.1-0.5.5.
  • I’ve created an inventory and linked it with my creative world.
  • We use warps to tp ourselves between worlds.

–> When players join for the first time the creative world, their normal inventory is duplicate in the creative inventory and sometimes their gamemode doesn’t change between worlds.

–> When they change world, their experience bar appears empty but when they disconnect/reconnect, it come back. Sometimes when they disconnect, they retrieved some levels they have already use.

–> Sometimes, when players teleport themselves from a normal world to a creative world with a warp, they died when spawning and they loose their inventories (but keep-inventory is enable on this world with projectworlds gamerule and on the global server).

Do you know some of theses bugs ?

edit : I tried without project world, with essentialcmds multi-world service and I spawn normally but when I added projectinventory I died when tp to the creative map. I think it a bug of the projectinventory and not from projectworlds.

These are all PJI related bugs, expect for the gamemode issue. Most are known and all are waiting on new Sponge events to be fixed. The Exp appearing empty and health appearing full is only visual in nature, and usually corrects itself after a minute or so of game-play. It is a Sponge related error from what I can tell.

PJI is in a very early stage and isn’t recommended for use on production servers.

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OK thanks for answer :slight_smile:

Do you plan on adding support for world specific vanilla nether and end worlds and portals in the future, or is it currently not possible with Sponge?

I’m not sure what you mean by world specific nether and ends. You can create portals using my Project Portals plugin.

I mean like MultiVerse, so I could create a PVP world that has its own separate nether and end dimensions that generate like they do in vanilla

So basically what your saying is you want vanilla nether and end portals in certain worlds to teleport players to assigned nether and end worlds?

Correct, Sorry if I didn’t explain it well

No worries, sometimes things go over my head. This is something I would like to do in the future but from what I can tell the needed Sponge events are not yet implemented. Once these events are working I can create a couple gamerule entries that would allow assigning a default nether and default end world for worlds.