Project Worlds - World Manager

Can you please update this to use API 4.0? I tried the current version of your plugin on sponge vanilla 4.0.3 or w/e and it simply does not work for some reason, no error it just gives the syntax and nothing happens, the syntax: Usage: /world setgamemode:list:delete:setspawn: etc:create:tp

It is up to date. You may have command conflicts with another plugin.

Yes, EssentialCmds-8.1.6 is interfering , any chance you can change the command name to be compatible?

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=0 thanks will try this also!

Thanks! it now works!

WIll the inventory work with pixelmon and that data base.?

Hello , I would like to import a map on my server I use the command /world import " world " overworld overworld

The map is created but it is a map that has nothing to do with mine.

from what I have seen Import does not world that well. This is what i have done to get around the import. what ever world you want as a side world2 use that as the main then /world copy world call it whatever then load that world. shut the server down. put the world1 as the main world and pull the copy out of the world2 file and stick it in the world1. now i have run in to some wird thing so make sure you BACK EVERYTHING UP!!! This is not bulletproof So be careful.

im having terrible luck adding command aliases they get overwritten, can you add a hastebin or dropbox of a working file?

How do you change the “Respawn World” setting? I’m not finding which command to use.

/gamerule <world> respawnWorld <world>

Great, thanks! :slight_smile:

Having a PROBLEM when someone dies they go the the defalt worl but i do not wsnt then there and even though they have no permission to be there they still re-pawn there.

You need to change the respawn world.

/gamerule <world> respawnWorld <world>

I did not see that Thanks so Much

Having an issues that what ever my main world’s gamemode is what the players start out with. it does correct it self when using a portal of some kind.

I’m not sure I understand.

When someone First joins my server they are teleported to world2 (something i set in the Config). But when they go to world 2 they have the gamemode of the main world not what i have set for world2. now when they use the portals I have set up it works right. its just when they join for the first time they stay in the gamemode from the main world. hope this is better sorry.