Project Worlds - World Manager

Hmm. So you are not running a test version or anything, you are running the version you have released? 0.9.1

Yup pulled directly from github release page. I did also test my dev version as well just for kicks.

Err. Ok let me do some testing with removing other plugins. I will let you know how it goes. xD

Ok so I tested with no plugins at all and still nothing. I really doubt it would be pixelmon, but if you want me to test that I could.

Honestly it wouldnā€™t surprise me if it was. Pixelmon and Sponge cause some weird problems sometimes

Hmm. Alright I will check pixelmon then tonight.

If you have any other mods check them as well, but start with pixelmon.

I was told it has something to do with Multicraft and the way it logs things.

Edit: Is there any way you could make a post in chat when the pre-gen is complete?

Try this out

command is /border, permissions are projectborders.cmd.[command]. The /border generate command is the equivalent to /world fill but with more options. Will be creating a detailed thread when Iā€™m comfortable its stable.

This doesnā€™t replace project worlds does it, It is just a border plugin?

No its just a world border plugin.

Hmm. The progress still doesnā€™t show up for me even in the server logs, but it does say when it has finished although that doesnā€™t show up in the console either it just pops up in your chat.

Edit: Does this go over already loaded chunks, or does it just try to load unloaded chunks. So if I cancel it or the server restarts will it go back to where it left off, or will it restart fully?

I donā€™t believe thereā€™s anything I can do about the logging issue. Youā€™d have to ask the Sponge guys what the Multicraft deal is. Im pretty sure it goes through all the chunks in the border everytime but it doesnā€™t regenerate already generated chunks, it just checks them and moves on. The chunk generator is part of Sponge so itā€™s not my logic.

Alright, I guess I will just check how many chunks are loaded when I get back on every time, but if it goes from 0,0 and out every time that is quite annoying if the server crashes or something then I have to start over all again for a process that takes several hours.

Well because the chunks are already generated it shouldnā€™t take long to blow through them. Iā€™ll have to ask someone about that.

Iā€™m going to try something with the console thing when I get home and Iā€™ll post the update have you test it.

Could you recommend a setting to set it on, like the tick interval chunks per tick and such?

Iā€™m 100% sure the border plugin is not generating as it should. I donā€™t think you can generate a world of 2500 radius in ~10 seconds, and when I start loading chunks it lags as hell, like it does when i generate new chunks.

Not blaming your plugin, but looks like the sponge chunk generator is not working well.

Iā€™m not seeming to have any issues with it, I get no lag and the only issues I have with it are the fact progress isnā€™t shown and when I use it for some reason if no players are on there is a massive spike in entities and it keeps climbing until someone logs on.

Are you using SpongeVanilla or SpongeForge?

The entities spike is ā€œnormalā€, as it happened in 1.7.10 too.

1.8.9 Sponge Forge