ProjectPortals - One stop shop for all things portal

A new version has been released for ProjectPortals, it is available for download here.

One stop shop for all things portal

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Oh wow. I am actually dtupid facepalm

I forgot to add the plugin on the target server. Naturally it doesnā€™t work!

Right when I step inside a bungee portal

A new version has been released for ProjectPortals, it is available for download here.

One stop shop for all things portal

Erm is there a list of particles?

/helpme portal particle

Hover over the particle argument

Err, this plugins is not loading :confused:
When I type /portal create it throw an error somewhat the command doesnā€™t exist (like if type /fgeiuysgdf)
Any idea how I can fix it ?

Could you provide more logs in cas previous command doesnā€™t fix your problem ?

Yep, because it doesnā€™t work :confused:

Error occurred while executing command: org.spongepowered.api.service.pagination.PaginationList$Builder.sentTo(Lorg/spongepowered/api/text/channel/MessageReceiver;)Lorg/spongepowered/api/service/pagination/PaginationList;


I have a problem with portals

At first glance they are not erased, as you can see in the image

Another bug I have is that it ignores permissions. (It also happens in the pjw)

Permissions used: LuckPerms
Sponge: spongeforge-1.12.2-2611-7.1.0-BETA-2922
Portals: projectportals-7.1.0-0.14.3.jar
World: projectworlds-7.1.0-0.12.2.jar
Core: projectcore-7.0.0-0.2.1.jar

@TrenTech would it be possible to use Project Portals to direct connect to other servers without the need of BungeeCord?

Hi, plugin ProjectPortals isnā€™t loading on my server, while ProjectWorld works pretty fineā€¦
Any idea ?

Hmmm, Iā€™m able to create portals just fine, and they work. But /portal remove doesnā€™t seem to do anything. Chat says it removes the portal I tell it to, but the portal itself still remains active and functional. The only way for me to actually remove/delete a portal is to delete the entire PJP database fileā€¦

I CAN work with that since I only need to create a couple portals. But itā€™s definitely a problem, and for servers that need dozens of portals, it is a huge issue.

This sounds like an old bug. What version are you running?

/warp create warp01 MyCreatedWorldWithPJW
ā€“> Warp warp01 create

/warp list
ā€“> no warp points

i didnt unterstand this Plugin.


I need more information. pastebin a full server log. Also are these the only plugins you are running?

The -p flag on /portal create throws an error ā€œjava.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Doubleā€. Itā€™s not a major issue, I can use /portal price after I have created the portal.

PJP: 7.1.0-0.14.3
Sponge: 1.12.2-7.1.0-BETA-33

What value are you using for -p ?

I made a few tries before dropping the -p: 100, 100.00, 1 and 50

Good day, wanted to ask how I can allow normal players to go through the Protal?
Only admins are getting through there at the moment.