I just want to clarify here, I have been looking over every Shop Related plugin Sponge has to offer for the past few days. There aren’t a lot of them available right now.
The Developer has stated they don’t have time to update their plugins, not to mention I never liked the old Essential based signs, with [Buy] or [Sell] separately. Creating shops can get very big, very quickly if you need individual signs for each action.
Also the player shops don’t provide protection support for the shop chests? I understand most folks have protection based plugins, or locking systems for this but I personally feel that a shop should link itself entirely, if you’re protecting the sign it should also protect it’s included chest.
Hassan’s plugins:
Are either the same sign setup with an individual [Buy] or [Sell] and spongy chest works off an itemframe? Don’t get me wrong itemframes are nice, but come with their own set of problems I’m just not overly interested in. I’d much rather a sign base system.
What I’m looking for is a Chest Shop type plugin. Signs that can support both Buy & Sell actions, ideally depending on how the sign is clicked. Admin supported sign shops, equally supporting Buy & Sell features.
Chest Shop was once upon a time being ported over, but the Developer has given up on the plugin altogether as far as I recall. No changes have been made to the Github in a long time.
Shops are the only thing my server is missing, I’m hoping to find an Active, user friendly, space saving, simple Shop system that can support Mod Items. I see this request out there a lot, and I hate to be one to create another.
Many of these are met with “see this plugin”. There aren’t a lot, and half are abandoned for the most part or aren’t what people are looking for. Please don’t refer to me to the above listed plugins, I’ve been reviewing them for days already.
My plugin was supposed to be ChestShop-style, I just thought the buy/sell distinction is a bit clearer for users. I would love to work on the plugin some more and get it into a better shape, but I don’t have much time for Minecraft these days. It can also be a little difficult/annoying to develop for Sponge with a lack of documentation/history.
At the least, perhaps someone will have the time/motivation to improve my plugin (I have no problems with someone taking ownership of my project) or learn from the code to make something better. However, the data API has changed since I last worked on it and I’m not sure how the new keys work, if anyone does take a look.
@KaiNoMood has been rather busy as is so I can’t say if he is anywhere into porting this plugin, or even if he has plans too. Although since I just tagged him He would be able to provide more info.
I do greatly appreciate what you did with your plugins, and I do believe they hold great promise!
I hope someone takes them over and makes it possible to do single or double offer buy/sell shops. As an option. ^.^
I agree that a [Buy] or [Sell] can be clearer at a glance, though as stated it can create massive “buy here” or “sell here” sections of shops that plan to offer both options.
If I had knowledge of coding, I would definitely take it over. Sadly I am not even a nub when it comes to programing with Java.
Looking for the same thing, Chest shop type plugin or some type of interface menu similar to Boss Shop as it was user friendly and when it comes to admin setup relatively simple than tons of signs. We found that a load of signs in an area made that area laggy, we also had item frames to help see what your buying and that made it worse! So have a chest shop or interface menu after a command would make shop access easy and painless for the user.
Also looking for someone who would have the time to make a plugin like a chest shop for my server. Try to teach myself Java coding… yup this will be a struggle! Help ! Please !
Hey! QuickShop for Bukkit is already partially compatible with Bukkit 1.11 (just items above the chest don’t show, but it’ll be hopefully fixed soon, I’m being too busy!).
Although I’ve already planned to port QuickShop to Sponge, I’ve been too busy for that! Also if someone else makes a great shop plugin similar to QuickShop, I’ll drop my idea to port QuickShop to Sponge.
Something like ShopChest would be amazing!
This should be simple enough for modded items too, since this is a ‘hold in hand to create shop’ based chestshop type plugin.