SIP - Sponge Industrialization Project

Not me but I have a friend who is and I can throw something basic together.

@waicool20 can you give me a list of all the people helping develop the plugin for the wiki I’m setting up the SIP team list and you are project lead I wasn’t sure if you wanted to share that with @Felix3008 or not let me know.
Also can we decide on the logo? no offense to your friend but I prefer the red wrench/gear/sponge logo thing so I vote that.

Coding starts this Saturday! :smiley:


Website, forums and wiki are up and running now!

Just to let you know: I created the SIP website, and now it’s officially working. You may sign up to the newsletter to be among the first to start an SIP server! :smiley:
You should also have a look at the SIP forums - you can put all your ideas, questions and suggestions there!


PS: Thanks to @Felix3008 for hosting it on his VPS :smiley:


This project is very interesting, great idea!
Had a little chat with @waicool20 on #SIP IRC, I hope I can contribute some code to SIP :smiley:

I really think that this has potential because Sponge will be a combination of server and client modding. The server can perform database operations especially between players as well as store info efficiently about block meta, and that way really complex stuff can come out of this! Like, on the level of really extensive modding I think!

Nice website.

502 Bad Gateway


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Sorry about that, were having some problems with the hosting (currently), asking @Felix3008 to fix the problem.

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All fixed and working now. :wink:


Do you need a client-side mod for this?
Or is it just a Sponge-Plugin?

Will be totally server side only, that’s the whole purpose of this plugin, to let the unmodded taste “modded”


Ok! Cool!!! @waicool20

The features links on the main page are 404.

If your talking about the links on our site then yes I know, they are like that because we don’t have proper documentation about them yet (plugin is not yet out) but when SIP is released we will be sure to link everything (y)