Hello I am tying to make a server that is skyblock using sponge since I have it modded as well so I was wondering is there a skyblock plugin that is out that works with sponge or is there one in development by chance and if they are both no would anyone be interested in programming it?
FYI, Search bars work wonders…
I did do the search bar and installed skyclaims and griefprevention but there is nothing working when I do the commands as all so IF you can help me out with it would be highly appreciated
What do you mean by nothing? Are you getting any errors or does it say nothing at all?
Did you place the proper version jars into your mods
folder while also having Sponge installed properly?
We need more information to diagnose the issue, but we should be able to get it working.
Okay I see what was going on it is the grief prevention and it is not working so it disables the Skyclaims so I need to configure it before I set up skyclaims thought it would automatically be set up
here is my console log as well (NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[?:1.8.0_101]03.05 23:07:24 [Server] INFO - Pastebin.com
Your problem probably sprouts from using a 1.11.2 version of GriefPrevention. You need to use a 1.10.2 version.
It seems the latest version of SkyClaims requires the current latest version of GriefPrevention 1.10.2, 292 or higher. Find it here: griefprevention
Edit: Sidenote, I believe you will need LuckPerms as well. If you don’t have a permission plugin having one will be important anyway.
Oh well dang let me download the right mod then
I put in the 1.10.2 version and it still didn’t generate the API
Can I see the complete log again?
04.05 00:26:39 [Server] Server thread/ERROR [Sponge]: Could not pass FMLServerAboutToStartEvent to Plugin{id=griefprevention, name=GriefPrevention, version=2.3.1, description=This plugin is designed to prevent all forms of grief.,
Something still didn’t load right. Something is still not configured properly.
Do you know what it could be?
Well… its failing at line 719, which is: this.loadConfig(); Meaning something is still wrong with your config.
Could you upload it like you did with the log?
Are you saying the config for grief prevention? Cause if you are the plugin never made one
It is probably in with your mod configs. Sponge does not work as Thermos/KCauldron did… plugins/mods are pretty well integrated unless you change the sponge config to do otherwise
Where in the sponge config do I need to change? I can post a copy of the config here if need be
Here is the config just in case https://pastebin.com/EZAGYMw4
Thats the exacr config you need to change. I personally set mine up a lot like how it was… so to accomplish that you need to change to these:
This will look for ‘plugins’ in the root of the server, and it will make a ‘configs’ directory inside ‘plugins’ to store all the plugin configs,
(This will not move the plugins/configs you already have generated)
It is still saying its not working here is the console log 05.05 08:03:01 [Multicraft] Server stopped05.05 08:03:01 [Multicraft] Server s - Pastebin.com
I also put in the new parts you told me and here is my config now https://pastebin.com/yP2ueRSd