Sponge Forums Theme Central

Does any one have a way to use this in firefox i cant stand chrome. And lets not get started on the browser debate.

I can’t vouch for it, but you might can try Stylish. Seems to be the same thing as StyleBot.

Let me know if stylish works, and I’ll add it to the top! :)

Seems like a sexy idea! :cat:

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OP updated :<r;jarg;ujag>)

This topic I think better articulates what I ment re. read vs unread forum topics, though it’s for the default scheme. Just as an example.

gotcha. I’l see into it.

It seems to work I am using it now once installed the user just needs to.

  1. click the icon on the tool bar and hover over Write new style.
  2. move the mouse over to the option “For fourms.spongepowered.org…”
  3. Once the popup window opens Enter a name in the top box.
  4. Then paste the code provided below the existing code in the big bottom box.
  5. Hit save and enjoy.

It works on Pale Moon too (a Firefox fork) via Stylish. Thanks @octoshrimpy !

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I am having issues with the theme being applied to other sites as well altho I clicked make it for forums.
It still seems to be messing with things on facebook and my local newspapers site too. its not a big deal I can just untick the theme when reading those sites and it does not mess them up that bad.

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Hopped on firefox, and was not able to replicate. :confused:

You was not able to replicate it because, Well your not a complete tard like me :frowning:

I worked out what i did wrong when i looked at the theme a little closer.

What i managed to do was Pace your code outside the last bracket here.

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("forums.spongepowered.org") {


I had your code below the final bracket there making it apply to all sites :frowning: after fixing that it works as intended…


This reminds me of when my old boss made me replace all the hardware in a PC case to fix a ‘beep code’ when it was indeed just a stack of CDs on someone’s keyboard spacebar during boot. Can’t say exactly how that’s relevant, but there ya have it.


Found another slight bug. It seems that the div.ember-view.title a has a slightly off background versus the color behind it (Both are behind the Sponge logo), it’s hardly noticeable on the forum homepage, but a slightly larger portion is visible when viewing threads. Here’s a screenshot where I’ve set the color to bright green to show ya where it is:

And what that looks like on the forums home:

Would propose the background of this element to be #142833 to match the background color behind that

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Fixing Fixed now. :)

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Minor Bug Report: Preferences and Invites buttons are invisible on the Profile Page (below the bright orange Log Out), unless you scroll over them. I’m seeing this on Pale Moon Version: 25.0.2, using Stylish. I’m not sure if Chrome users get the same.

I’m running chromium, seems fine. Would you mind sending a screenshot of the hover/non-hover?

Both use a.ember-view for their main (orange text) color, and a.ember-view.btn for the transparent background. a.ember-view.btn:hover for the background color (light gray) on-hover and
a.ember-view:hover for the text color (light yellow) on-hover, in case you wanna get dirty under the hood. :)

Here it is without hovering:

And here it is again hovering over the “Invites”.

I copied and pasted in the script from the OP last night just to check in case I had missed any updates, I got the same results.

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I’ll get pale moon and see what’s up. :slight_smile:

I tried this out and liked it quite a lot, so I spent a few hours and remixed it a bit. If you guys wanna try out my version of it the CSS is here. (Hope you don’t mind @octoshrimpy :stuck_out_tongue: )

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