-~=[ Sponge Forums Theme Central]=~-
Welcome to where all the pretty things are! First off, I'd like to thank the entire Sponge team for getting these forums up and running, as well as all who have taken time out of their life to work on spongy things. :D
This is an up-to-date place for all forums theme available, and instructions for installing it into any browser that supports .
(If I missed an OS/browser/extension, let me know, and we can add it in!)
Everything below is self-explanatory, GLHF! 
[ \[ Direct download \] ][1] (Click from inside firefox and skip to :four: )OR
Click the hamburger on the top right (three lines), and select addons
Search for “stylish”, should be the top result (and featured!)
The “Add to Firefox” button appears on hover
Repeat step one, or type “about:addons” into the URL bar and click on “User Styles”
Click “Install from URLs…”, and paste the bit.ly link for the theme you want
Confirm the installation with "
Install "
It’s now installed!
Refresh page, and it works!
[ \[ Direct Download \] ][2] (Click from inside Chrome and skip to :five: )OR
Click the hamburger on the top right (three lines), and select “More tools” > Extensions
Scroll down to the bottom and click on “Get more extensions”
Search for Stylebot in the chrome store (don’t worry, it’s free)
Install it by clicking on the blue “Free” button to the right (where mine says “Rate It”)
You want the one “from stylebot.me”
Go to the forums, and click on the “CSS” button > “Install from social”
Choose the style you want to apply. (Hover to preview the current page)
Author: @BitByte
Stylish: bit.ly/1EEycch
CSS: pastebin
Ver: 5.0
Dark gray theme with blue tones, great for night-reading, and easy on the eyes.
Coming soon!DotDark
Author: @DotDash
Stylish: bit.ly/1yWCtgZ
CSS: pastebin
Ver: 1.4
Light gray, bleached, making the important colors pop.
Author: @IronManDoesMC
Stylish: bit.ly/1ECOUZE
CSS: pastebin
Ver: 1.0
Modded version of NightUI. Red tint added to remove the green glow that stays when you close your eyes. Designed for night-time lurking.