Sponge is now SpongeForge

As we have planned for many months now, Sponge is officially rebranded SpongeForge. With this change comes a new website to get all the downloads for SpongeForge.

What does this mean to the previously used repo?

Unfortunately, we’ve had countless issues with the repo that resulted in missing jars, corrupted jars, and altogether no jars. Thankfully, the guys at MinecraftForge have provided us with a repo and stable location to deploy our builds.

Wait, when I run spongeforge.jar, nothing happens!?

We removed the Ivy dependency loader by request of the MinecraftForge developers. We understood their reasoning and any server owner running a Forge based server should know how to install Forge. Just download sponge to the mods/ folder and it will work just fine.


If Sponge breaks, tonight, it’s because I tried to add more than a single like to the OP. Discourse wasn’t ready for this.


Whoa, THAT is a nice repo :smile:

Keep it up, guys!


Heh. She took her damn sweet time about it, was Spongie fixing her makeup?

SpongeDocs will get updated to reflect these changes very, very soon.


gab how about maven? Just use forge maven to grab spongeforge?

Now I won’t look weird searching “sponge” in class and finding pictures of actual sponges :stuck_out_tongue:

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We dominate the google page already tho :stuck_out_tongue:.


What about the API files and changelogs? Will they get a link on the forge server site as well?

Whats with SpongeVanilla ? Completly dead already?

Nope, but we’re trying to get featurecomplete first, before taking care that both implementations are on par.
Plus: the repo has the hiccups atm.

It’s still being worked on, in fact, it’s been updated recently still.

i have downloaded it and installed as a clean system, but the latest sponge doesn’t work with latest and the stable version of forge.
Please can anybody help me how to start it?

If you used SpongeVanilla: Do use SpongeForge if you want to run it with Forge.

If you used SpongeForge: Don’t use the latest Forge version, use the one recommended on the Docs as it is the one against which SpongeForge was developed.

Please provide more information please:
Did you use SpongeForge 748?
Did you use Forge 1521?
Have you ran the forge.jar correctly?
Have you NOT doubleclicked sponge.jar or forge.jar

Also note that SpongeForge disables the Vanilla Server Gui.

Actually the Forge version that SpongeForge works with is marked on the jar, not always the recommended. (LexManos does not bump recommended version recently)
I suggest to use SpongeForge since vanilla client can still join your server. SpongeVanilla is not that stable and the team’s focus is currently on SpongeForge.

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It’s the version recommended for running sponge with. It’s the only one guaranteed to be working. Not the recommended version by LexManos. I’ll edit and clarify.

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yes, I use SpongeForge 748 and Forge 1521.
I start it with this parameters:

java -Xmx2048M -Xms1536M -jar forge-1.8-

Here is the error from console:

The Forge is running, but the Sponge mod doesn’t start. Please look at it where can be the problem.
I read this that the Vanilla Server Gui should be in forge disabled, but by me automatically started.

Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.6.0_65

Please update Java to Java 8. :wink:

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A big hearty “Thank you!” to those who managed to get the repos and changelogs for the API and API Jars, etc for the other things back up and going again.

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